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Trigger warning:

The two boys talked for the rest of their lesson, really starting to bond, having more in common than they thought, just the simple things, favourite foods, hobbies, shoes, but mostly they talked about minecraft and various other video games.

"So, I have a question for you" Karl changed the subject, the boys were now back in their classroom and sat at the tables.
"Shoot" George replied, both completely ignoring whatever lesson was currently taking place.
"How did you end up hanging out with a group like that?" He asked.
George raised an eyebrow, "what do you mean?"
"I mean" the brunette started, "Dream and Sapnap seem awfully popular, I see girls gushing over them whenever I see them." He elaborated, "yet you don't seem like the 'I crave popularity and attention' kind of guy."

The other teen hummed, understanding, "well they aren't exactly like that either, you know?" He said, "they never actually wanted to be popular, I don't think I'd even personally consider them to be popular" he chuckled, "it kind of just happened, people just liked them because... well, honestly, just because they're attractive." He shrugged, "and I prefer to not hang out with them during breaks, too many people, I don't like it." He confessed.

Karl nodded, "yeah, I get that" he stated, "like when you're in a crowd, regardless of whether or not you're the centre of attention, and you feel trapped and suffocated."
"And your first instincts are to run?" George added.
"Exactly. Fight, flight or freeze." Karl finished.
George hummed, "don't you just love anxiety?" He muttered.
"Oh yeaahhhh, I totally love it" he sarcastically replied.
Both let out a small chuckle before continuing their conversation.

"So where do you go then? When the others are surrounded by their adoring fans?" Karl questioned.
"The library, I kind of just sleep or chill till my next lesson" he answered.
"Woah, wait, this college has a library?"
"You didn't know?" George laughed, "how long have we been here now? 4 weeks?" He teased, "yeah, most schools have a library, it's pretty bare though, and empty, it's great." He stated.

Karl hummed in response, he planned to check it out, see what it's like.
"Mind if I hang out with you in the library?" He asked, assuming George just hung out by himself in there.
"Yeah, sure, it would be nice to have some company up there." He smiled.

-time skip-

Karl exited the art room, ready to make his way to where he assumed the library was when he ran into someone familiar.
"Oh! Hey, George!" Bad beamed.
"Hey, Bad" he smiled back.
"You have a free period? Where ya off to?"
"Oh, I'm going to go sit in the library with someone I met earlier." He explained.
"Oh, I see" he hummed, "do you think you will be hanging out there often?"
"Maybe, I'm not sure yet..." he stated.
Bad smiled, though a hint of sadness could be spotted, "well, don't be a stranger, our table will always have a space for you" he promised, he hoped Karl would hang out more.

"Don't worry, I'll be back" he laughed, "I'm going to go find George now, bye" he waved, walking into the building.
Bad waved back as he walked in the opposite direction, 'George?' He thought, he knew him, they'd met before, 'he's a good kid, I'm sure they will get along well' he concluded.

Karl eventually found the double doors with the sign 'library' above the frame, he opened the doors and entered, looking around. George's description, no matter how vague, was entirely accurate. It was pretty bare, mostly empty space and not as many book shelves as he would've hoped there to be.
He spotted a section in the corner with some tables, one of them had a boy sat in the furthest seat, a familiar brunette with his head hidden in his folded arms against the table.

Karl gave a small wave at the jolly looking librarian as he walked towards the table, he pulled out a chair and sat down beside George.
"Aaaaaaaaaaaaa" the brunette muffled into his arms as they closed in on him tighter.
"Good morning" Karl laughed.
The brunette listed his head, his eyes still closed, "what time is it?"
He checked his phone, "1:20, so really I should be saying good afternoon" he restated.
George hummed, immediately resting his head back down, "too early."

Karl laughed at the boys actions, he pulled a book out from his bag and started reading it, opening it to the last page he had read, leaving George to recharge.

-time skip again-

"Alright. Okay. You got this." He peptalked himself as he approached his house door, his fathers car still neatly parked in the driveway. He pulled out his key and quietly unlocked the door, he hoped that maybe his father was busy and wouldn't notice him sneak past if he was quiet enough.

He opened the door and peered inside, looking around and listening out for any signs of life. But it was silent. Dead silent. This is exactly what he wanted, yey it made him so much more anxious.
The suspense was intense.

The brunette closed the door behind him and headed towards the stairs when he suddenly halted, pivoting his body round to pick up the paper he had noticed was stuck to the wall beside the stairs.

Out for a bit, getting some shopping from up the road.
Will talk when I get back.

Karl was both scared and relieved by the note, his father wasn't home, brilliant, he was up the road getting supplies so that explained why his car was still in the drive.
But that last sentence made his skin go cold, his heart sped up just at the thought of the conversation. He knew exactly how it would go, well he assumed he did, based off of previous experience, it probably wasn't going to be much different.

He continued up the stairs, deciding to make the most of what time he had right now before his father returned home to have the inevitable conversation.

Karl let out a long, over exaggerated, groan-like sigh as he flung his bag onto his bed and sluggishly flopped onto his chair. He span round to his computer set up and pulled up discord.
He had told George his discord earlier, he was slightly surprised to see he already had a friend request from him.

He accepted.

Stealth. (FtM Karl)Where stories live. Discover now