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Feel intense emotions of sadness and loss that you can't quite explain? Talk about it? Nah, write a fanfic instead to escape from the harsh reality of life.

-thyme time skip I think idk I'm definitely not the author-

Throughout the whole time we were hanging out I was completely distracted, I was sucked into the tension-less, relaxed, fun, exiting and joyous mood that was originally created by the others and was apparently contagious. Their mass amounts of energy was starting to rub off on me, and eventually I completely forgot that the outside world even existed, I felt so free somehow, I was completely lost in the conversations and laughs that the people around us went unnoticed.

Except for one.

"Shit" George cussed, looking over in the same direction as me. It appeared that we had both spotted him at the same time, or maybe George had looked where I was looking as I did. But we both saw him nonetheless, regardless of how it had happened.

It appeared we were still yet to be discovered, and so I turned to him for a plan, the pressure sending my mind into a panicked craze, it had gone completely blank, overwhelmed by the anxiety.

The brunette clearly noticed my panicked expression and decided to take action, "come on guys let's go this way!" He announced, dragging me and Dream along with him, linking arms with us.
Wilbur and Sapnap both followed behind us as we turned the corner, "I don't think we can go this way" Dream pointed out.

George didn't respond and just kept going, unsure of how to respond. He knew I was anxious, that much was obvious, it didn't take a genius to spot the signs.
My head was spinning, I felt like the eye of the storm created by my own fears, the characteristics of this storm are unknown to even myself, but it was one, regardless.
I had no escape from it as it span round me, all possible scenarios replaying over and over as they surrounded me, spinning round in loops till my subconscious felt dizzy and distraught, unable to think straight (same) and incapable of properly taking in the current situation at hand.

"You alright, Karl?" A voice behind me asked, it could've only been Sapnap or Wilbur but who knows, my brain was in unconsensually distracted.
"All good" I replied weakly, a programmed response really.

"George I'm serious" I heard, tuning into Dreams conversation, "we can't go this way, I've tried."
George turned around another corner, leading us into an almost loop, he was checking if he had left from where the man was previously spotted.
"Yeah I think we're good." He announced quietly, an almost whisper directed at me which immediately relaxed my chest, releasing a breath I wasn't even aware I had been holding, it's like for a moment I forgot how to breathe. (Mood).

'But what if he's still close by? He couldn't have gone far, right? What if he spots me? What if he tries to take me back? What if he calls police? What if he convinces my friends to hang me over? What if they don't even like me and can't wait to get rid of me??? What if this whole past few weeks was a test and the whole group are just payed actors so he could find out if I'd really leave and then if I return I am just locked in my room for the rest of my life???' I pondered, clearly over reacting.
Though just the thought of having to go back, taking steps backwards rather than fowards, heading in the wrong direction to happiness. It made my stomach churn. It made me feel sick.

The other walked ahead but as George was about to step forward and lead me out to follow the rest, I discretely tugged at his shirt sleeve. I couldn't speak, I felt like my throat was clamped shut, unable to even comprehend speech, like it wasn't physically capable. For a moment, I had forgotten how to even speak, trying to recap the process in my head but to no avail as other thoughts crowded my brain.

The shorter boy looked up at my face as I stared at the ground. I wasn't even sure if I could move at this point, my legs I mean, was walking even an option right now.
'But what if he's behind me?' I suddenly thought, I turned back to see nobody.

The brunette frowned at my actions, my obvious distress reminding him that the situation wasn't yet resolved despite his attempts to, at least, relax it.

He sighed sympathetically and smiled softly as he gently rubbed my shoulder for a few seconds before saying, "don't worry, I can take you home if it's too much, okay?" He assured.
We had been out for a few hours now, it didn't seem like anyone wanted to go home and escape but me, I felt like such a burden, I didn't want to ruin it for him.
But I also wouldn't enjoy myself either if I tried to stay, constantly worried about who stood behind every corner.

I nodded quickly yet reluctantly, hoping I wouldn't make him upset, it was my fault he would have to miss out on time with his friends, all because I couldn't handle the pressure.
I felt like I was letting him down somehow...?
I couldn't even explain the intense crowd of vast majorities of negative emotions that were starting to build up, affecting me both physically and mentally in ways one could only describe as 'uncomfortable'.

He patted my shoulder with the most reassuring smile I had ever seen, it made me feel safer just knowing I was in his presence.
He turned to the group already a little further ahead, laughing and chatting incoherent words I couldn't quite make out.
"Guys, we are going back early, you can come too if you want or stay out a little longer!" He called over.
The others immediately pivoted round at the word 'guys', they seemed slightly confused by the statement but didn't ask any questions surprisingly enough, "oh, alright, we just want to go to one more place and we will meet you back home" Dream called back to us.

They both exchanged waves, as did he and Wilbur. I glanced at Sapnap who waved at me with a small smile I don't think I'll ever get tired of admiring. And I waved back, trying my best to give him at least a small smile.

They kept walking but we stayed still, "whenever you're ready alright? We can just stand here as long as you need." He mentioned, not seeming bored at all surprisingly since I had just ruined his plans.
"No, sorry, I'm fine. I don't mind going home on my own if you want to go with them." I told him, convincing myself I was fine and had just overreacted.

"Nono. Nonsense. I'm taking you home, they're only going to one more place anyway." He denied, starting to guide me along the path.
"Hopefully we won't see him this way since you're house is in the opposite direction, right?" He asked.

"Yeah... how did you know that?"

"Bad told me yesterday, sorry, I asked about it and said you live the same distance from school just the opposite direction." He apologised, "speaking of school, how's your photography homework coming along?" He chuckled, knowing full well I hadn't even started yet.

I groaned, "don't even ask"

I could tell he was trying to change the subject, but it worked, for the most part at least. A part of my brain was still worried about us passing my father again, but most of my attention ended up focusing on our conversation.

I'm so lucky to have George in my life. He's been nothing but kind to me since we met, not to mention it's literally how we met.
I'm out to him and he's accepting, understanding, and willing to listen as much as I need.

I just hope we're never forced apart.

(Haha foreshadowing? Man, I can smell your future rage/sad comments from here.)

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