Just great :(

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Recap: Karl's dad notices Karl looks masculine before he goes to school and yells at him, he makes transphobic comments that leads Karl to storm out the house.

Why should he care what that man thinks of him?
He didn't respect him, hd never tried to understand, he never listened.
So why did he crave his support so badly?

Well it was obvious. And Karl knew the answer.
It was his father, no matter how much he hated him, he still raised him, and that's a hard bond to break.
And living in his house was the only way he could survive.
But still, he wished he could just run away, live somewhere else, somewhere he was accepted and could just be himself.

'What if I asked Bad?' He questioned, he was still rattled, his hands slightly shaky and his eyes were still glassy, the overwhelming feeling in his throat indicating he may cry never left.
'No. That wouldn't be fair, I only just met him and he's too nice to say no...' he sighed, 'I couldn't use him like that...'

He didn't live far from the school, as he grew closer, more and more students he recognised were also walking in the same direction.
One in particular caught his eye, or really it was two.
He was baffled by his own realisation, he would've thought that his attention would be drawn to the taller of the two, the one in the green hoodie who always covered his face, he wore a mask and had dark blonde fluffy hair, an interesting character.
But no, somehow the first he looked at was the guy he assumed to be his friend, they were both walking together and the shorter seemed to be smiling and laughing with him even if you couldn't see the others face. He had dark brown hair which was basically black, they appeared sort of as curtains over his white bandana, his odd sense of fashion worked rather well together, he was fairly attractive.

Karl immediately noticed he was staring and immediately looked away, thankfully the mystery boy didn't notice him and they continued their separate paths.
'Probably never going to see him again' he thought to himself, knowing that if he hadn't seen him till now? 3 almost 4 weeks into the school year? That he most definitely wasn't going to see him again anytime soon.

He had heard of them, the mask one of them being his main clue. Every girl was gushing over them, talk of the school hot guys, it's all he heard them talk about.
Apparently they took music, 'huh, how come I've never seen them then? Surely they have classes in the same building as me?' He questioned.

He shrugged it off, he hadn't had very good experiences with 'popular students' in his last school and wasn't going to make the mistake of somehow getting involved with them and getting his cover blown.

As he reached the entrance of the school, he subconsciously gave a quick glance to his side to see if those boys were going in the same direction, but they were nowhere to be seen.
Why did he even check? No clue. He didn't really care.

He sighed one last time before entering, the start of his day so far was... well... eventful? It wasn't going in the direction he would've hoped when he first awoke.

But thinking of the day to come, he smiled. His mood somehow instantly brightened. He would see Bad and the others, not get misgendered, get to do subjects he enjoyed.
Everything he every wanted, friends and people seeing him how he always wished to be perceived.

'Friends...' he repeated, he never really had many, they always left and he 'adapted' as he would phrase it, just sticking to himself and books, and it sounds sad to some but books weren't people and were easier to relate to, be with, understand, trust.
Books couldn't physically talk back, couldn't start fights.
And most had happy endings.

He wasn't quite sure if Bad even wanted to be his friend? He's the type of guy to just hang out with him just because he felt bad, 'and then I kinda just started hanging out with them, it's not like they can just say no?' He thought, doubting if Bad rlly liked him or not.

Yep. His day was just going soooo great.

"Hey, Karl~" a familiar voice sang, wrapping his arm around the brunette, making him jolt from surprise. He had been so out of it that he had walked PAST his classroom without even realising he event went up the stairs. He blinked, looking around, "Karl? Hey, you alright there, buddy?" Bad laughed, amused yet concerned by the youngers confusion.

"Um... yes?" He forced a laugh, he just wasn't feeling it today, somehow in the past hour, his mood had gone from 10 to 1 really quick.

Bad noticed this, but didn't say anything. It was the start of the day, maybe he just woke up on the wrong side of the bed? Who knows? He decided he would check up on him at break or their next free period.

"Alright." He smiled, patting his back as he released him, he realised something odd, "you know photography is that way, right?" He pointed in the opposite direction.
Karl had photography, he was sure of it.

"Ah, yeah, I know. Sorry. Got distracted." Another forced laugh, as he turned and walked off with a small 'bye'.

Bad frowned as he watched him leave, 'why did he apologise?' He asked himself, it was clear that something was on his mind.
He would ask him later, they both had class now.

Karl entered his class a few minutes late, he was scolded by the teacher before sitting down with the rest of the class which already had their equipment out.
He went to go and get a camera from the cupboard as the teacher spoke to the rest, the school supplied cameras for those who didn't bring in their own, "damn it" he cussed under his breath, there were no cameras left. He remembered his last photography lesson, someone had accidentally cracked their lense and it was getting fixed, that appeared to be the only one that would've been left.
But it wasn't.

'Well, why am I not surprised.' He huffed, 'with how my day is going already, this seems about right.'
He went and sat down in his seat, his anxiety already starting to increase, his leg started to bounce, his foot tapping nothing as it perched apon the bar stood.
He started to fidget with his nails, picking at the multi coloured varnish, one of the few things he enjoyed wearing that his father approved of.

"Hey" a voice whispered beside him.

'Who would be talking to me?' He questioned, he didn't have any friends in this class.
He turned to meet a tired looking male.

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