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The boy opposite me seemed shocked, but it was clear that he was extremely happy to hear those words.

In the kitchen that day, when he kissed me, I had never felt more like myself. Just before, he had listed what he liked about me.
And I wanted to do the same.

"Nick, I think you're really cool, like- really cool. Everyone likes you and I can understand why. You are so understanding of everything and would do anything for people you care about, you literally saved my life; the day you rescued me from my... from those people, you didn't give up no matter what and you protected me, you stood up for me, and you even took me to the hospital."

"Actually you protected me." He corrected, "you stood in the way and got hurt instead of me. That should've been my punch to take, but you took it anyway."

"Well, regardless. I don't think I ever got to thank you for it all, so thank you." I grinned, "but not only did you save my life, you also stayed. And you continued to stay and check up on me and make sure that I was alright. You always put others before yourself, and you are so brave that it actually manages to astound me every time I witness your confidence." I chuckled, "and your music? God I love the music you guys make, and I always love watching you play in particular, it's so satisfying."

"You've only seen my play once though?" He smirked
"Well, um, actually Dream has taken a few sneaky videos of you playing..." I blushed, god this is so cringe, why the hell am I blushing??? Stop.
I clear my throat, "anyway, you're also funny, though a lot of your jokes are just funny because they're so terrible. You make me smile just with your presence, you just make me really happy, and whenever I see you smile I feel like someone has just knocked the wind from my lungs. I want to spend every day with you, hang out with you, just talk to you about literally anything; I want to hold your hand, watch you play the drums, listen to your songs, sit with you and watch movies that are cheesy and terrible but we don't care because it's an excuse to hang out." I ramble, "I want to hear you rant about your days, the good and the bad, I want to go out on dates with you and..." I gulp, "and I also want to kiss you again."

I stop. I feel like I rambled too much, oh god I really did didn't I? I probably sound so cliche and cheesy.

He stands up properly and he takes a few steps closer to me, only been a few steps away to begin with, "can I?"

"Can you what?"

"Can I kiss you?" He asks.

I can't prevent the smile on my face from forming and I look at the floor out of embarrassment, "yes." I mumble loud enough for him to hear it.
He uses his index finger to carefully lift my head to so our eyes meet, I've completely forgotten why I was anxious to begin with, there's something eating away at the back of my brain, I feel like I've forgotten something. But I push it away, completely lost.
His face gets closer and we lock lips.

And just like last time, it was just as amazing. Reading about kisses in books, seeing it in movies, it never really seemed like something I would ever want to do.
My mind felt clouded and I relaxed at his touch.

It was only a few seconds when he pulled away with a soft smile on his face, "I meant everything I said the other day. I really like you too, Karl."
I initiated the kiss again this time, pulling him closer to me as he did the same, placing his hands on my waist.
But of course, I also had to be the one to break it up just as fast as I had initiated it to begin with.

"Wait, stop." I panicked, gently pushing him away. Once again I was focused on a cruel reality.
"I ca- I mean-."
"Did I do something wrong?" He asked.
"Nononono of course not, no this- this is my fault. Wait, just- give me a second."
He stepped back and gave me some room.

"Nick I have something really important that I need to tell you."

Stealth. (FtM Karl)Where stories live. Discover now