Im struggling so much with titles

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RECAP: Dream struggles with self harm and George followed him home, George asks Dream to open the door to which the boy refuses.

-mentions of self harm

It was at this point that Dream had realised there was no escaping the situation he was in, at least no way that he could think of on the spot.

He just had to unroll his sleeves and hope for the best.

He tried his best to calm his breath and dry his eyes whilst using one of his shaky hands to unlock the door.
But he refused to open it.

Hearing the click, George proceeded to open the door himself; the boy inside took one last rushed glance around the bathroom incase he hadn't quite cleaned the scene. He couldn't get caught. Definitely, at least, not yet.

The door opened slower than he had expected, or that's how it left for both boys at least; it suddenly jolted and stood still, half open, a voice spoke, "are you okay with me seeing your face?" The brunette asked.

"You've seen my face before."

"I know, I just.. know that you're a bit insecure about it."

When the only response was silence, the last thing the brunette would've expected to happen, happened.
The door opened and Dream emerged, his beautiful green eyes glistened with tears but not enough that anyone would've noticed if they weren't looking for it.
George immediately wrapped his arms around his torso, initiating the hug that Dream hesitated, but eventually returned.
Hugs were always something he was told wasn't acceptable, along with many other ridiculous things; knowing they were ridiculous, he wished he could shake away those thoughts and feelings that betrayed him.

The hug was silent, comforting and warm, accept all the dirty blonde could think about was how much he wanted to say sorry to him but just didn't know how. He wanted to apologise for clearly worrying him when there was nothing to worry about.
He felt fine, now anyway. Maybe not so much earlier but it felt as if it had never happened, like it was a dream.
You just can't feel pain in dreams.
And the stinging in his arms were the only things in that moment reminding him of what he had done.
They burned with regret.

Dream was the first to end the hug, gently loosening his grip and moving slightly, indicating that the hug was over and George immediately let go.
"How do you feel?" The brunette asked.
"The hug actually helped." The taller smiled sadly.
George returned the smile as a warm feeling of delight and relief danced in his chest.

"Come with me." George ordered, he attempted to grab Dreams arm to lead him but the other boy was already two steps ahead and discretely dodged the hand. The brunette didn't think much of it and ended up taking his hand instead.
He dragged him downstairs and into the living room, guiding him over to the sofa, he sat him down, "wait, I'll be right back." He smiled, leaving the room.
Dream watched, intrigued by the boys behaviour, he had started to forget about the previous events.

Until he came back with the broken mask in his hands.

"I hope you don't mind. I grabbed the pieces before leaving school grounds. I thought I should at least try to fix it since it's your last one." He frowned.

Dream was shocked by the gesture, he studied the large broken pieces in the boys hands before smiling at him, feeling a soft fluttering in his chest, "thank you, George, but you don't have to do that."

"But I want to." He protested, "it's worth a shot anyway right?"

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