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Tw: mentions of transphobia (Karl's dad)

Tommy's pov:
Being trans in Secondary school is hard (that's ages 11-16 in the UK btw), everyone just seems to be immature and there's only a select handful who are actually cool about it. From observation over time I've come to the conclusion that there are three types of people:
1. The cis guys that come in groups of 5+, extremely immature, make transphobic jokes and always pick on those they know won't fight back.
2. The kids who don't want to get involved, the concept of "becoming trans one day" confuses them, they don't understand what it is or how it works but they know people will call them transphobic for saying anything rude accidentally so they say nothing at all.
3. Fellow queers, the people that feel instantly comfortable in your presence purely because you're LGBTQ+ and they feel safe to talk to you.

'Feel safe', really shows you how terrifying scgool can be for LGBTQ youth.

But alas, here I am, once again suspended from school. The first types of people I mentioned seem to think that I'm a good victim to pick on, as if I'd let them believe that.
They called me a slur so I punched their supposed ring-leader.

Apparently my school does not tolerate violence, but transphobia is completely fine.

Phil isn't aware yet, I don't think. I snuck home before he got back, he doesn't know I'm here.
I hear muffled talking downstairs 'is Wilbur home?' I wonder.
I watch out for creeky floorboards as I make my way to the top of the stairs, they're in the kitchen. I take a few steps down till the words are clear.

"I just think we should do something y'know?" Wilbur starts.
"Wilbur, I really do understand what you're saying, and I am in no way against it, you know I'm not I just-" he sighs, "Wilbur it's expensive."
"I don't mean the whole package, I mean smaller stuff you know? He's been living here for a few months, he's finally escaped his old life, you're the only way he'd be able to get access to this kind of stuff."

I assume they're talking about Karl.

"Wilbur, I'm a single parent with three sons, and now Karl lives here too, legally making him my fourth if he so wishes." He sighed, "trust me when I say it's impossible."
"Have you even looked into it?"
"Of course I have, Wilbur. Not too long after Tommy came out. It's expensive."

Okay, now I'm involved. Why am I involved.

"Karl is 17, he's-"
"Able to get a job, Wilbur." He interrupted, harshly, "I understand that you're looking out for your friend, son, but unfortunately it's going to have to wait. I put him on the list for treatment, that's all I can do for now."
"Phil, people have been on that list for years..." he replies, "the health care system couldn't care less about trans youth."

Trans youth. List. Karl. Tommy. Everything clicks. Of course.

"His father wasn't going to do it, but we can, he has a chance here"
"Wilbur." He starts, his tone more assertive, "it's. Not. Possible. Please don't bring false hope, and definitely don't make me responsible. I really do understand where you're coming from and it's nice to see how much you care b-"

"Why didn't you tell me?" I ask, now at the entrance of the kitchen.
Both of them turn to face me immediately.
"Tommy, what the fuck?" Wilbur cussed, clearly surprised, "why aren't you at school?"
"Why aren't YOU at school?" I retort.
"No lessons." Crap, well that didn't work.

"Tommy, what did we say about eavesdropping? That was a private conversation." Phil reminded.
"I still don't get why you didn't tell me." I repeat.
"It's not any of your business."
"Everyone in this house knew but me!"
"I- well-" Phil struggled.
"It's not our news to tell." Wilbur spoke, helping Phil, "it's Karl's choice to tell who he wishes."

"You think I don't know that, Wilbur? I'm the one who explained that to you." I respond, "I should've known, do you know how LONG I've waited for this? Someone older than me who's also trans? I've dreamt of having that privilege, someone I can talk to who actually understands what I'm feeling! And he's been here for months!"

"I just don't think it's fair to tell you without Karl's permission." Wilbur argues.
"You could've asked him."

It's true. He could've asked for his permission before telling me.
Phil didn't want to intervene. This didn't involve him but he had to stay to make sure things didn't get out of hand.

"I could've been useful for him too" I add, Wilbur clearly has no come backs, "he had to leave his home because he's trans, it's nice to know that someone he lives with has felt what he felt."

"Tommy, I really don't think that this is worth fighting about. Arguing isn't going to change anything."
"Don't try to be the bigger man, Wilbur." I glare, "just because you're older. It doesn't mean you can act all mature and make me feel like this whole thing is my fault."
"Look, Tommy, I'll message Karl right now if you'd like." He sighed, "I'll even let you craft the message, but I am not the back guy here. I did nothing wrong." He taps on his phone while he speaks, looking at me whilst handing it over.
"I hope you're not implying that I was in the wrong?" Phil interjects.
"I mean, you didn't explain to anyone why Karl was going to start living with us" Wilbur starts, "I mean, of course I already knew but out of the four of us in this house, two were left completely clueless. I guess this could've been avoided better with some more communication, a family discussion." He explains.

"Fine." Phil admits, "I guess there could've been more information about Karl pre-moving in. I'm sorry, Tommy."

I look down at Wilbur's phone in my hands, Karl's dms still open, a little flashing line awaiting orders to craft. A simple message. Yet one so important. How do I even start?
No, I have a better idea.

I hand the phone back, "I don't need your pity, Wilbur." I turn and walk up the stairs.
"What do you mean??!" He calls after me.

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