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*starts dancing because my playlist is a bop and a half*

Third person pov:
-time skip to Monday-

Three teens wandered down the busy halls to the music room. Sapnap, Wilbur and Dream. They assumed that George and Karl would either be on their way, or they were already there.

Over the weekend, Dream had opened up and actually talked a lot about his dreams and the trauma he experienced 3 years ago. Sapnap, honestly, was surprised that the boys mood was so chipper today after a weekend filled with tears and comforts.

Wilbur was... well, Wilbur was mostly just oblivious to it all, neither he or Karl knew about their weekend and they were more interested in Karl officially now being out as trans within the household.

This was the most "normal" the groups day had been since they met Karl, not Karl's fault of course, but even after he was taken in by Phil, there just always seems to be some kind of drama.
Which of course is normal for teens the age of 16-17.
But today, it was like nothing had happened.

Until, of course, sometimes did.

"Hey, are you Karl's boyfriend?" A girl snickered, giggling in the most annoying fashion as her female friend held her arm and tried her best (failing miserably) to hold in her own giggles.
They all turned to face them, unamused, mostly scared.
Sapnap was so confused, how the hell did they kno-
"I didn't know you were gay, Wilbur." She stated in an almost mocking tone.


Wilbur was dumbfounded. He wanted to reply, his mouth hung agape for a moment, his finger up as if to gesture or accuse something but it hung limp in the air. If you squinted, you could see the huge buffering wheel spin round above his head.
He was clearly just as confused as the rest of them.
"...excuse me?" He finally managed to ask.

"You know~" she giggled again, her friend mimicking her, they sounded and acted very punchable (in the most polite way possible), "my friend Clara, she heard from Jess, who heard from Connar who heard from his girlfriend Dean that she had overheard Sarah and Jasmin gossiping about how Cassie had told them that Sienna had-"
"Please get to the point." Nick interrupted, urging them to hurry the fuck up because he could not stand to hear even just the frequency of a giggle.
"Apparently you two were in the staff toilets... yk." Her friend spoke, grinning an implication none of them enjoyed understanding.

"...leaving the- OH! NONOnononono you've got it all wrong. That is not what you think it was." Wilbur denied, he realised that they were referring to a few weeks ago when he had to go comfort Karl during the whole relationship drama stuff.

"Uhuh" she leaned on one leg, popping her hip out and raised an eyebrow, "what was it then?" She asked, crossing her arms and smirking.

Wilbur had no idea how to answer, what could he say? He couldn't respond with "I was comforting him" THAT SOUNDS LIKE SOME KIND OF INNUENDO!! It sounded MORE suspicious than being in a relationship. But what else could he say? Oh, yeah, maybe just say "he needed some help" *winky face*, no, exactly, what the hell could he say that wouldn't get them both bullied for the rest of their college life?

But then he realised, why deny it? If he said he was in a relationship with Karl, maybe that could be better for Nick and Karl? They don't want the whole school knowing. It would sure as hell keep their actual relationship a secret.
So in the moment, he decided to just respond.

"Oh noooo you caught me," he shrugged, faking a sigh, the other two boys stared at him, silently screaming and looking at eachother with a 'wtf is he on about?' look, "it's true, me and Karl are a couple.
We were trying to be discrete... but I can assure you, random girl," he pointed at the friend, almost insultingly, "that whatever it was that you were implying, is gross. Like come on, in school? This isn't a teen romcom, or some kind of fanfiction" he glared.

Both girls just glared at him before scoffing with a smile, "okay, no need to get so defensive." Before they trotted off down the hall and randomly bursting into giggles.

He turned back to the other two, "...what?"

When they reached the music room, George was the only one there. Nick frowned, his face reminded Dream of a sad puppy, "where's Karl?" He asked.
"Not in" George simply replied, distracted by the camera in his hands, clicking the left arrow button to search through his photos.
"Huh?? Why??" Nick asked, the other two teens left the scene to set up.
"Not entirely sure, he didn't want to talk about it." He lied, he knew why but even he didn't feel entirely comfortable disclosing that information to the guy's boyfriend.
"He didn't message me..." he stated.
"He didn't message me either," the brunette responded, "I called him."

He left it there and went to the rest of the band, he decided to talk to Karl after school.
"Wait," he turned to Wilbur, "surely you knew Karl wasn't in?"
He hummed for a moment, "actually, I didn't really think about it. Kind of preoccupied." He muttered, fidgeting with the tuning pegs, not really thinking about his words.
They assumed he was referring to the guitar and moved on.

Meanwhile, rumours continued to spread, and regardless of their age, college and the people in it were still the same. Being within a more mature environment didn't change that.

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