Temporary home

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"Yeah I do, why?"

"Do you think you can bring them? All of them? We will only need one, maybe two."

" 'we'?"

"I'm at Karl's, I can't really explain right now but we need one."

"Oh, don't worry I know he's trans. Yeah no problem, I'll bring them over now." He announced, you could hear rustling as he got up.

The teacher yelled at him, it was quiet and muffled, but Bad could make out a 'where' and 'going' "bye"

"Did you... did you just straight up just walk out of lesson??" Bad laughed.

"Yeah? Why not? It would only take longer if I explained what I know to her. And am I supposed to say, 'gotta go fetch my fellow trans man a couple'o tiddie squashers?' No. Exactly."

Bad laughed at this, "fine. Just get here quickly okay? And bring the car. I'll send you the address."

"Okay, see you soon." He hung up.

Bad then immediately grabbed a pen and some paper, he couldn't just steal Karl or he'd get in trouble.

To Karl's father,

Karl, your son will be living with me for a while, no you aren't allowed to visit. Don't call, don't text, he doesn't want to see you.

You have failed as a father.
I hope you realise that.

From Karl's friend.

P.s. I take criminology, I know for a fact that you will get in more trouble than I will if you try to call the authorities.

He left the note on the side in a noticeable place.
It didn't take long for Karl to come back downstairs.

"What now?" Karl asked, exited to leave.

"We wait for Fundy, he's bringing some stuff, and a car." He stated, "I also left a little note for your dad. Hope you don't mind. You got everything?"

"Um. I think so..." he listed all the essentials he would need, "that's alright. As long as you have the key we can come back when your dads at work, okay?"

Karl nodded, "thank you so much, Bad. Really." He felt himself tear up again. "Don't even worry about it, plus I already have another kidnapped child you'll have to meet." He joked, rolling his eyes playfully, "he's not the worst housemate in the world, I think you'll get along."

'Huh? What?' Karl didn't know that Bad lived with someone already? Was it Skeppy? That would make sense.' He concluded, 'it makes sense as to why he was so quick to let me live with him though.'

A knock at the door alerted Bad to the fact they still weren't done yet, "that's Fundy. Be right back." He stated, he opened the door and let him inside.

Fundy saw the state of Karl and immediately embraced him in a quick hug, "here" he gave him a plastic bag, "there's some spare binders in there, pick two that fit you best. I hope they're the right size." He smiled.

Karl thanked him and ran up the stairs, he found two that even fit better than his last one, his last one being worn and tattered.
He ran back downstairs and passed him back the bag.
"Thank you so much. I'll return the clothes when I can."
Fundy nodded, "come on, the cars outside, I'll drive you to Bads house." He lead the way.

Karl closed the door, but left it unlocked, 'I hope he gets robbed' he smirked.

"Come on looser, get in the car, we're going shopping." Bad summoned.
(Jk yall)
"Come on, we can burn that dress when we get home, consider it a cathartic form of coping."
"That sounds fun."
"Send me a video, I will also find that cathartic" Fundy input, focusing on the road.
"Okay will do." Bad smiled.

It wasn't that long of a drive to get to Bads house, Fundy helped get their bags out before leaving again back to school for his last lesson.
Bad opened the front door to an empty house.

"Who do you live with by the way?" Karl asked.
"You might've heard of him? He's kind of talk of the school, or mostly your year. His name is Clay, but everyone just calls him-"
"You live with Dream??!" Karl interrupted, he was expecting his housemate to be like... Skeppy or something, maybe even his friend Quackity?

"Oh? So you've met him?" He asked.
"Yeah, George introduced me to his whole band a few days ago" he stated.
"Great! Then it will be less awkward for you then."

He took his bags and led him to a very plain looking room.
"This is the guest room. You can stay in here. Make yourself at home." He announced.

Karl placed his bags down and turned around, he hugged Bad. "Thank you so much for... everything really. You always end up having to help me with stuff."
"Awe, no problem Karl." He beamed, "happy to help."
"But seriously," Karl started, "if I burden you at all, don't be afraid to just kick me out or something."

Bad frowned at this, "you will never be a burden, Karl, I actually think it'll be fun having you around. Just me, you, Dream and occasionally his band, and Skeppy."

They heard the front door click shut, "speaking off." He walked to the top of the stairs, "good afternoon Dream!" Bad greeted.

Dream was startled by this, "woah, you're home early." He stated.
"Yeah, well some stuff came up." He stated, "also we have another housemate so be nice to him." He informed before leaving to another room.

"Bad, I thought we agreed no dogs, they're expensi- ...Karl?"
"Hey Dream" Karl nervously waved.
"Well I wasn't expecting this" he smiled, "welcome to the house, I guess."


"Who's cooking tonight, Bad?" He yelled.
"You know full well it's your turn, you Muffinhead! Don't even try it!"
Dream sighed, "shit" he cussed under his breath.
"how the fuck did you even hear me??"

Karl laughed at their behaviour, "need any help making dinner?"
"Nah, it's my turn tonight." He denied, "but you can cook tomorrow" he smirked.
"Well, enjoy burnt spaghetti I guess" he joked.

"How the hell do you burn spaghetti?"

Spaghetti burns on the edges of the pan, tastes like popcorn. Scrummy. :')

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