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Dream and Wilbur looked at Sapnap for an answer. Dream sat on his bed against the wall, Wilbur still stood at the door.
The drummer could feel their stares, he was sat on a beanbag in the far corner, he looked up from his phone with a confused expression, glancing between the two before looking back at Wilbur, "why is everyone looking at me?"

"Can Karl join?" George asked him.

He blinked for a moment before it finally clicked, "oh. Wait? Why is it my decision? It's Dreams room."

"Yeah well you're the only person that has a problem with anything." Dream... smirked? I assume he had some kind of playful expression on as he still wore his mask even at home. I didn't have the confidence to ask about it, plus we hardly know eachother, I didn't want to be rude.

Sapnap scoffed at him, "I don't care, he can join if he wants." He smiled slightly.
His expression wasn't as cold as his words, but it still hurt. If he didn't want me here I would leave, no problems.

Wilbur rolled it eyes, "well, we didn't care what your answer was anyway, we still would've told him he could join" he retorted.

Sapnap furrowed his brows in a mix of irritation and confusion, "then why the fu-"
"Come in! Please! Make yourself comfortable!" Wilbur interrupted, stepping aside.

George gently nudged me into the room, knowing full well I wouldn't of my own will, I felt so out of place here. A small part of me wishes Sapnap had said no, but knowing my anxiety and low self esteem issues, I definitely would've overthought it in the wrong direction.

"Wait, what IS Karl doing here though?" Wilbur suddenly questioned, he wasn't aware of my living situation.
I looked at Dream, his head was facing my direction but I couldn't quite tell if he was looking at me or not behind the mask, but seconds later he looked away. 'He didn't tell them?' I asked. But it didn't surprise me that much, I don't know why I expected him to.
I'd only been living with him for just over 24 hours, but I can deduce from the mask and how he acts, that he is a man that has a deep respect for privacy.
And I thank him for that.

I assume he wasn't sure whether I was comfortable with people knowing or not since he wasn't completely sure why I was there either either. Again, privacy.

"I actually live here aswell now."  I chuckled awkwardly, I didn't want them to dig any deeper into it.
Wilbur nodded slowly with an 'oh', thankfully.
"God, if Bads not careful he's going to end up being the next Phil." Sapnap joked from the corner.

"Oh shut up" Wilbur laughed.

"Whos Phil?" I asked nervously.

"Phils my dad" Wilbur proudly stated, "but I'm adopted, so is my twin and my younger brother." He informed, as he spoke, me and George sat down, George sat next to Dream, and I sat on the floor next to the door, "though even Sapnap and Dream see him as kind of a father figure, so do most kids he meets..." he muttered, starting to walk back to the desk chair I assume he was previously at on"like Tommy's friends Tubbo and Ranboo and also- sorry. I'm rambling. I'll stop." He laughed, almost seeming like he was talking to himself. He span in the chair.

I nodded along silently, starting that short conversation did not help me feel any more comfortable.
Now it was silent. And though for me it seemed the silence was agonisingly long, in reality it was only an averagely quick and normal pause, but for the few days I've known this group, I have realised that they just never want the conversations to stop.

"So Karl," Wilbur spoke up, "how are you? There was a rumour in my class that you passed out last week?"
I froze, pursing my lips, 'of course there is. Why wouldn't there be? A huge group witnessed the whole thing. God I probably looked so stupid.'
"Ah. Yeah I'm fine, just collapsed." I vaguely explained as calmly and naturally as possible, "luckily George was there though, apparently I could've like... died or something." I exaggerated, trying to pin the attention onto George instead 'sorry George'.

"Man, I was so scared..." he whined, "after you passed out I actually started crying." He confessed.
"Aww Goggy~" Dream awed.
George glared at him, "no, don't you 'aww Goggy' me, sir, I cried in a very manly way. They were tears of stress." He denied.
"Oh? So this morning? Those were just 'tears of stress' when we met up and talked about stuff?" You could practically hear the smirk behind his mask.
George gasped dramatically, "hey! I told you that I'm confidence." He hissed.
Dream snickered, "okok, I'm sorry, goggy."

I kind of spaced out after that, my entire consciousness becoming totally emerged in the way my fingers fiddled and fidgeted, feeling an urge to pick at my nail varnish, but restraining myself from doing so, so not to get any mess on a floor that isn't mine.
I jumped at vibrating in my pocket followed by the ringtone of my phone.
All background noise stopped, and all eyes were on me, I looked up hoping maybe it wasn't actually my phone.
But it was.

I pulled it out of my pocket and read the contact, it was just a number? 'Probably just a scam call or something.' I determined, clicking decline and placing it face down on the floor.

The others seemed to no longer be interested and continued their conversation.
Karl listened this time though, but didn't input.
It was kind of interesting watching their interactions, seeing that some were very energetic compared to more 'laid back' characters, Sapnap inputting every now and then.
After one comment, he even smiled to himself, continuing to look at his phone.
The only time I had seen him smile was when I first peeked in the music room.

It made me feel weird.
He had a nice smile.
It made me subconsciously smile.
I wanted him to smile more.

My thoughts were interrupted again as my phone rang, Sapnap looked up at me as my ringtone caught his attention, I immediately looked away and picked up my phone again.

I read the contact 'still just a number. Is it the same as last time?' I questioned. I shrugged it off and declined again, placing the phone back down.

"Who is it?" George asked.

I shrugged, "no clue, just a number."

And almost immediately after, my phone rang a second time, I picked it up, same number, I was sure of it.
I sighed, "sorry, I'll be right back" I announced.

I got up and left the room, closing the door behind me, I looked at the number again.

I answered.

One time is chance, twice is coincidence, three times is a pattern.

"Hey Kira"

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