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When they left, Karl really started to process Dreams words. Sapnap was actually looking for him. He didn't hate him.
And now he just feels stupid for assuming that, he knew he would whilst overthinking, but he not only believed himself, but a part of him wished it was true.
After hearing that Sapnap still liked him, he was actually a little bit disappointed.

Don't get him wrong, he likes Sapnap, he might even say he likes likes Sapnap. But dating? He just can't imagine himself dating, he wouldn't want to burden anyone he liked with his constant anxiety and random dysphoria.

And let's not forget that Karl was currently experiencing difficulties accepting that maybe Sapnap won't care if Karl is trans.
I mean, it's a deal breaker right? He wants a boyfriend and Karl isn't even physically male? He might accept Karl for who he is, but chances are he won't want to date him.

Karl kind of feels like he's lying to him, hiding something so big, he can't deal with the pressure. Some of that pressure was released when he told George and when he lived with two people who knew.
But it wasn't telling people that was the issue, it's the fact that even after feeling more open after letting them know, he still wished they didn't.
He wished they never found out.
He wished he could just stay stealth forever.

He wished he could just have been born a cis guy so he wouldn't have to go through all this drama n stuff.
Maybe Love just wasn't for him?
If it was causing him this much stress, then why try?

Well, because regardless of how many times he told himself that romance just wasn't his forte, he still wanted it. And he wanted Sapnap.

'God this is so hard.' He complained, tidying up his used brushes and rags. He took one last look at his painting, not yet completed but still gorgeous nonetheless.
As he scanned every detail, every blend, every visible stroke, every technique, he made his choice. He  decided that he wasn't going to run away from this problem, he's run away too many times now, the past couple of months consisting mostly of that, and it was about time he stopped avoiding the inevitable.

He grabbed his bag, swinging it over his shoulder as he said goodbye to the teacher and opened the double doors.

No matter what happened next.
He decided to just be proud of himself for trying.
And for taking that first step.

As he walked down the corridor, he spotted a brunette pass the corner presumably go to the music room.
Karl sped up, grabbing the boys arm. He let out a yelp of surprise before turning around and realising it was just Karl, "oh, hey Karl. You alright?" He asked.
"Wilbur I need to talk to you."
"Is this about the kiss thing?" He whined, "because it's all Dream and George are talking about and they aren't very discrete no matter how hard they try to keep it a secret from me and I don't really want to hear about it anymore..."

"Actually, yes but also no. Just- please can I talk to you?" He repeats.
"Oh, yeah sure. I assumed you just came to spill hot goss about a kiss I already knew about." Wilbur stated, Karl took him to an empty classroom close by, "what's up?"

"Wilbur, I'm trans."

He couldn't quite believe that he actually managed to say it without stuttering or going red in the face. It was a spur of the moment decision and I guess that aided his announcement.
He was living with Wilbur, Phil was his legal guardian and he may even consider Wilbur to be a brother figure.
There was no way the secret would stay hidden forever.

Wilbur frowned, but not the type of frown one would expect when coming out as transgender. It was full of sympathy.
He pulled Karl into a hug, "I'm so sorry, bro, that must be so hard for you." He said, "I'm here for you, whatever you need." He added.
He pulled away from the hug and Karl was just mostly confused.
"So wait, just incase I'm completely off, are you MtF or FtM?" He asked.
Karl was so confused, 'he knows the terms???'
"I- um. FtM." He stuttered.

Wilbur smiled, "poggers, you sticking with he/him?"
"Cool- OH oh wait everything makes so much sense now..." he stated, "oh my god, everything, whenever I felt like there was a piece missing! This. Was. That. Piece." He exclaimed, "the whole home situation, the time you got injured in school, why you and Fundy are so chummy- woah... have you been stealth the whole time? Dude, that's actually skill since you haven't started T."

"Okay. Wait. Press pause for a moment." Karl interrupted, officially overwhelmed by curiosity.
"How the hell do you know all this stuff? Like, terminology and just overall more than any other cis person I've talked to." He asked.

"... is it more?"

"Yes it's more! Not only did you use the correct abbreviations 'ftm' and 'mtf', but you even used the term 'stealth'. Literally no cis guy I've ever met has used those. You even said 'T'!"

"Oh. Well, I know someone who's trans, actually. He explained a lot of it to me, so I know quite a bit about it." He chuckled, nervous but also proud of himself.

"Oh, that makes sense... sorry." Karl apologised, feeling bad for interrogating him.

"Nah nah it's chil- Oh I just realised why you wanted to talk to me now." He changed the subject, "you aren't out to Sapnap. And you kissed him. And now you aren't sure what to do. Am I correct?"

"Oh wise-Wilbur, yes." He answered calmly, then a sudden wave of urgency flooded his lungs, "like, what do I do???? A part of me doesn't want him to know because I want to be stealth but I can't just keep that from him, it's basically like living in denial that I am even trans anyway, plus it's something he needs to know right??"

"Karl, I think you're overthinking this a bit too much." He stopped him, "My advice? Go and find out for yourself what he really thinks of you instead of spiralling."

He was about to object, find a plot hole, but nothing came to mind, "That... actually makes a lot of sense..." he muttered, "come with me to do it? You don't have to be there, but just incase I need you. Please?"

Wilbur smiled, "yeah, man, of course. Whenever you're ready, though, okay? It doesn't have to be today, or tomorrow. It can wait."

Karl shook his head, "I don't think it can." He opened the door, Wilbur right behind him, "I think that if I don't do it today I'll just keep avoiding it."

They started walking down the very empty halls to the music room.
Karl felt ready. He was mentally preparing himself for the future conversation with a boy less than a minute away.
But had be prepared himself for acceptance or rejection?

Stealth. (FtM Karl)Where stories live. Discover now