Im fine.

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Trigger warning:
-very transphobic father
-mentions of unsafe binding
- T slur (is censored with symbols)

(Recap in next chapter)

"Long time so see Karl, I wish it could've been under better circumstances though" a familiar voice announced at the door.

George let go and we all looked over, "Miss Sally!" Bad smiled, "hey Bad." She waved. She walked over and sat at a chair beside my bed, "Karl, I'm here to tell you that I called your father" she started, 'shit' I thought, "but when I called and told him about you he..." she looked at my friends, "um. I think you know what happened when I told him it was about his son," she implied.

"Ah..." I sounded, knowing exactly what she meant, based off of Bads expression, he too knew what she meant.

"So I didn't tell him." She continued. I gave her a shocked look, "what?"
"I wanted to talk to you first. If you don't want him to know that's okay, he was very... um... opinionated over the phone." She was implying his transphobia.
"Yeah... sorry about that."
"It's okay. I really gave him a piece of my mind" she muttered, crossing her arms irritatedly, "if anything happens, don't be afraid to come see me okay? You know where my office is." She stated.

"Thank you."

"No problem, Karl." She smiled, "see ya Bad, bye George" she left again.
A male nurse replaced her, "hey, we actually have some other kids who need to use this room, sorry I've been told we need to kick you out. I've been told you're good to go.
So just take it easy alright? Your ribs are still recovering, and don't do that again." He ordered, giving me a knowing playful glare. "You can go home and rest now, I've been told you live close by."
I chuckled, "thank you!" I called as he left.

I got up off the bed with the help of Bad and George, "you sure you'll be alright to walk home on your own?"

"Psh yeah I'll be fiinneeee"

They both glared at me, knowing I was still hurting, "no, seriously, I'll be fine. I'll talk to you later" I assured.
They didn't seem phased, "I promise."
Bad sighed, "go on then, you muffin head." He smiled weakly.

George still seemed unsure, "I'll talk to you later, George. I promise I'm fine, the nurse said it himself, I'm good to go."

George also sighed in defeat, "fine, just try and message me when you get home, okay?"

"Will do" I said before they left.
The nurse passed me a spare brah saying they didn't have any binders so unfortunately that was the best they could do for now.
I thanked them, leaving the pillow and getting changed in the back rooms toilets before leaving.

Since it was the middle of a weekday, luckily, there weren't many people. But it still felt like all eyes were on me as I walked along the roads, trying my best to discreetly hide my chest from the world and myself.
It's all I could think about.

I only lived around half an hour away, but it felt like so much longer, I was constantly on the verge of tears.

But when I got home it was so much worse, I would rather have walked all the way to college and back than see that damn car parked in the driveway.
The door opened before I could even reach it, my father stood, glaring at me, a stern scowl plastered on his face.


I stood aside to let me in, in complete silence, not taking his eyes off of me for a second.

"Your teacher called." He started, 'miss Sally' I remembered, "she didn't tell me what happened that would require a call home, but she called you 'Karl?' "

'Already not a great start.' I stated, feeling my heart speed up.

"She called you my 'son'. I was very confused when hearing this and assumed she had the wrong number, I knew my daughter would never do anything wrong." He explained.

It hurt to hear those words.

"And then she had a fucking go at me! Just because I corrected her!" He spat, "how dare you change your name at school, Kira. You are making me look like a bad parent! I'm just trying to help you." He growled, "I'm very disappointed in you, telling the whole school you're a boy. How do you think that makes me look, huh? Sending my little girl into school looking like a fucking t£@nny?"

I can't believe he would say something like that... well actually... that's a lie. He definitely would.

He continued, "The Internet and all these stupid games you play, they're influencing you." He stated, "and it's time to stop with this damn fantasy you have, you're not a boy, you never will be a boy, and you will always be my daughter."

I had had enough, but I knew arguing wouldn't do anything so I ran up to my room. His words circling my head.

'Not a boy.'

'Never a boy'

'...but I am a boy...'

'... aren't I?'

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