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Recap of last chapter:
Dream had a dream (lmfao) about how he received his scar. The dream was about his abusive father attacking him whilst overcome with rage when Dream comes out as bisexual.

Third person:

"Do you think he's been acting..." Karl asks, looking over at the masked boy, "a little... strange lately?" He and George were skipping Photography again to watch the teens practice their music.

The brunette frowns, "yeah. He's been really quiet recently. Acting kind of distant." He agrees.
"Did something happen?" Karl asks.
"Not that I'm aware of. But I'm not the first person he would tell if there was." George replies.

Their conversation stops as one of the boys quickly scurries over to the row of seats they are sat at and plonks himself beside Karl with a small smile on his face.
Both Karl and the boy look at eachother.
"Hey" he greets.
Sapnap smiles, "hi"
He gives him a quick peck on the lips.

"You two are gross." George mocks.
"Now now, don't project your jealousy on me, please." Karl teases, implying the boys crush on the boy on the other side of the room.
George ignores this, "if I had known you two would be so clingy I wouldn't have helped you get together." He deadpans.
"You don't mean that." Karl pours playfully,  he turns back to Nick, "and you, sir, need to get back to your little band and do whatever it is you guys do over there." He orders, "I have photography to do."

Nick rolls his eyes slightly, "please! You know just as well as I that the moment you step through that door, photography is no longer an option." He denies, "and plus, they don't need me right now anyway so I will just-"

"Sapnap, stop harassing your boyfriend and get back over here." Wilbur threatened.
With a reluctant sigh, said boy leaves once again, and Karl returns to his previous conversation.

"Have you tried asking about it?"
"No, I don't think he will tell me. He prefers to keep to himself. He's not one to vent."
"It's worth a shot though, right?" Karl asks, "even if he doesn't want to talk about it, it shows you care."
George hums at this.

The whole group had realised quickly that Dream wasn't in the most chipper of moods today, they just didn't know why.
They had all noticed his lack of jokes, teasing and just talking all together. His movements were more sluggish, and he was usually either zoned out or gazing at the floor, hardly making eye contact with anyone.

Wilbur had asked him if he was okay. But Dream being Dream, he told him he was fine. He didn't want to talk about his problems with anyone, it was rare for him to do so.
But it was obvious that he wasn't doing okay.
But they all decided to just give him some space for a while.
They just hoped that maybe he was tired and he would feel better the next day.

But he didn't.
The next day he came into school and he was almost the same as the day before, except this time, this time he was trying his best to act normal. It was painfully obvious and it hurt the others to see, but they didn't point it out or anything.

George messaged Bad whilst in the library with Karl at lunch.

George: has Dream seemed off lately?

Bad: I'm glad you mentioned it, I wasn't entirely sure at first but he has.

Bad: he has been quiet since yesterday, he won't talk to me. Is everything okay?

George: not sure yet. If anything happens please tell us.

Bad: ofc!

Bad: also, please make sure he eats something.

George: he didn't have breakfast?

Bad: or dinner.

As messages delivered and appeared, Karl was also reading along, worried. They both knew it was unlike Dream to skip meals, regardless of how he was feeling. He had even given Wilbur a short lecture once about the importance of breakfast.

George: make sure Dream eats something.

Sapnap: 👍

They decided that it was probably best if Sapnap tried to talk to him. He was the only person he opened up to about a lot of things.
Maybe they could help him if they knew what was going on.

So that day, Nick turned up at Bad's house after school.

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