That leads us to now

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-later that day-

Karl's pov:
I felt a groan escape me, a splitting headache forcing it out of me as I moved my head. I felt paralysed. I tried moving my limbs, my right arm moved but the other stung.
My eyes also stung, whenever I tried to open them, the light of an unfamiliar ceiling and windows blinded me, forcing them shut.
"What..." my voice croaked, I couldn't seem to remember what was going on.
I thought back to...
I remember what happened.
Didn't I fall?
I'm probably in a hospital.

I used my free arm to rub my eyes, trying my best to open them, finally after succeeding I tried to sit up.
A hand placed on my shoulder prevented me from going any further.
"Woah, calm down. It's okay, man, chill." I recognise that voice, I turned to face the boy.
"George?" I asked.
He smiled at me, "Hey Karl, you got hurt pretty bad so you gotta rest, alright?"
"But I'm fiinneeee I feel great." I whined.
"Yeah, that's probably just the drugs." He sighed, "bet your head hurts huh? You want water or anything? I can get you some food if you're hungry. Oh Bad also left you a rucksack full of stu-"

"Is Sapnap okay?" I asked, honestly that's all I could think about while he was talking about... whatever it was he was talking about.

He playfully rolled his eyes with a grin, "oh Sapnap? You seem to be spending an awful lot of time with him lately." He teased.
I glared at him, "shut up. I just want to know if he's alright. I don't remember leaving the house, you know?"
"Yeah, sorry man." He frowned, remembering what he was told happened, he moved to the side, "he's here. He hasn't left since he brought you in."

Sapnap was sapnapping on the chair, fast asleep, his head resting on the windowsill behind him.
'Awe' I smiled at the sight, it's odd to see Sapnap so vulnerable, and he hadn't left since he brought me in? What time was it?
I looked at the clock, it was 10am, but that information was useless anyway since I don't know what time it was when I was freed from hell.
Regardless, I was so thankful.

"So. About that water." George repeated.
"Yes please." I answered.
He smiled and left to go and get some.

George had probably gotten lost. It had been, what, like 20 minutes and he still wasn't back? Not just that, but Sapnap was still asleep, actually he was starting to snore.
It was starting to get rather annoying.

I grabbed a pen from the bed side table next to me decorated with a small vase of flowers.
I threw it at him.

He abruptly jolted awake, almost flinging his whole body off the chair, his head darted round, dazed, for a second he had no idea where he was.
Karl couldn't hold back his laughter from the boys reaction, bursting out into hysterics, only to cut himself off with a yelp of pain gifted to him by his own chest.

"Karl, you're awake!" He realised, "how do you feel, man? You need an."
"I don't need any water." I interrupted.
"Oh. Wait where's George?"
"Ah." He muttered, "so, how are you feeling?"

Honestly, I felt like shit. My body felt weak and fragile; my chest, arms, legs, especially my head, they all hurt. They all ached. I wanted to just shut it off.
That's just what you get for falling down the stairs I guess.
And I would do it a second time if it meant Sapnap didn't have to go through this.
"I'm doing just peachy." I lied in a rather sarcastic yet joking tone.

George burst through the door, "I GOT WATER!"
He announced, holding the cup above his head.

He jumped at a loud "Shh" from the other side of the room, almost dropping the glass. It was a shared room, so there were other people in there too.

"Sorry." He apologised.

-back to present day-

"And that's pretty much it, I guess." I finished. That's all I knew about at least.
The lady on the other side of the desk scribbled down a few more notes, never taking her eyes off the paper. She held the pen close to her face and clicked it continuously, reading over her notes one last time.

"I'm sorry you had to go through all of that, Karl." She frowned, sympathetically, "and fortunately, I think there's something I can do. There's no way I can let you go back to that house." She stated, placing her pen down.

-time skip 2 days later-

I stood at the door, bags of my belongings in each hand as the door opened to reveal a friendly smile.

Because of what I told the lady in child protection, she deemed my old home unsafe for me to return to, it was pretty clear that they didn't want me there anyway.

And so, after hearing my story came up with one of the best options I could take to move forward.
Unfortunately I couldn't move back into Bads house because I needed a grown up present.

"Welcome, Karl." Phil greeted, taking one of my bags, "please. Make yourself at home."

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