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George's pov:

After Karl had left I turned to Sapnap.
"Dude" I started.
"What?" He looked up from his phone.
"Why are you so rude to Karl?"
He just blinked at me for a moment, "what do you mean? I literally haven't said a word to him."
"That's the issue." I informed, "it's kind of rude and unwelcoming. Do you not like him?"
"No, but I don't know him" he retorted.
"And that's a good excuse because?"
"I don't know him, so I don't talk to him? Plus I didn't have anything to say." He added.

"Well maybe you should get to know him." Dream inputted, catching both of our attention, "Karl's a nice guy, he's pretty fun to talk to aswell, you should actually try having a conversation with him." He added.

"Exactly. There isn't a single thing wrong with him, you should actually at least try and get to know him before you completely shut him out." I stated.

"Fine, I will." He held his hands up in defence.

"Good. Tomorrow will be the perfect time for a bonding experience." Wilbur also added.

I nodded in agreement, Sapnap was the type to stick to a group and never leave that circle, finding it a safe place.
He wasn't too keen on new people joining that space.
But I really wanted them to get along.
I could tell that whenever they were in the same room they would both act a bit awkward, but it both sent a wrong message to the other.

I created a separate group chat on my phone with just Wilbur and Dream.

Goggy: I think we should leave them together at some point and really give Sapnap a chance to talk to Karl in private.

Wilby: yes!
Wilby: he's not the type to actually talk to him infront of others

Dreamy: yeah, I think he gets embarrassed so let's give them some space for a bit

Goggy: great. It's a plan

Sapnap could tell just from our facial expression that we were scheming, "oh god, what are you guys planning?" He asked, but he received no response.
'Tomorrow was going to go well.'


Karl's pov:
I woke up to an unusually dark room, 'what the hell? What time is it?' I asked myself. I reached for my phone and looked at the time, '2:14 what the honk am I doing up this early??' I mentally scolded myself.

My throat felt dry and somehow I just couldn't fall back asleep just yet so I decided to go and get a drink.

I tiptoed down the stairs, somehow they creaked more than I remembered. I reached the bottom and walked to the kitchen, for a split second I regretted my decision as a shiver ran up my spine when my toes touched the cold floor of the kitchen, but I adjusted rather quickly and made my way to the sink.

I grabbed a cup and filled it with water and downed it in one go. I sighed, water just tastes nicer at 2am. Don't know why, probably never will.

A yawn startled me, I turned to see Dream at the door, "good... morning?" He greeted, confused and tired.
I immediately noticed that he had his mask on still, "okay. I have to ask." I whispered, not wanting to wake anyone up.
He tilted his head, "shoot".
"Do you wear that when you sleep?" I asked, partially joking, gesturing to my own face implying I meant his mask.

"Oh, this? No. I put it on before I came down just in case someone was up. Which they were." He explained.

"Ah. I see." I responded before refilling my cup.

He walked over and I passed him a glass since I was already closer to the cupboard, I sat down at the table.
"So what are you doing up?" I asked him.
"No clue. I woke up like an hour ago for no reason. You?"
"I woke up a couple of minutes ago, also for no reason." I sighed, glad I wasn't the one who woke him.

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