Start over

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-dysphoric thoughts/self degrading thoughts (very few)

"Man I'm so tired..." Wilbur complained as we walked down the path towards a street filled with shops and a group of stalls.

"Maybe you should've slept then" I reminded him for the eighth time today.
"Hmmm no" he denied, "my brain just hates me, almost as much as I hate anteaters infact."
"No, Karl's right, you didn't sleep at all and now you are paying the price." Dream informed him.
Wilbur groaned in annoyance.

I heard George whisper something into Wilburs ear which made him perk up, but only slightly, he responded with an enthusiastic "okayyy~" still clearly half asleep.
George then tapped Dreams arm and pointed at the coffee shop close by, he nodded.
'What an Earth is going on?' I questioned.

"Right, me, George and Wilbur are going to get coffee real quick, you guys stay here." They informed before walking off.

I immediately saw what was happening, 'oh. They planned this. Yep, this is what Dream meant last night.' I detected. 'Oh this is cruel, so so very cruel. This is very awkward. What do I do? He's not saying anything. Am I meant to say something? I don't know what to say, I don't think he wants to speak to me.'

"Sorry for being rude" he finally spoke, his voice always astonished me, I heard it so little that it turned into a rare occurrence I looked forward to.
"I'm not really good at the whole... meeting new people stuff."

I could tell he was struggling to find the right words, "oh, it's fine, don't worry about it" I smiled.

He pursed his lips and hummed, "do you... do you mind if we like... start over? Like, a fresh start?" He smiled slightly.

'He smiled' i don't know why that was my first thought but it made me really happy to witness.

"Sure." I beamed, "hi, I'm Jacobs, Karl Jacobs." I joked.
He laughed a bit, "is that a bond reference?"
"Maybe, maybe not. Depends, who wants to know?" I continued the joke.
"Nick. But you can call me Sapnap." He surprisingly joined in with the joke, bowing, "it's an honour to meet you."
"As of you, my good sir" I replied in a posh accent.

I haven't got a single clue where the sudden confidence to speak came from, but then I started to get into it. I've gotten so comfortable around someone as I did whilst speaking to him.
We both laughed a bit and I was surprised by how much we actually talked and joked before the others arrived.
I'm glad they tricked us into talking.
Sapnap was actually a lot more approachable than he acted, just like George had said, he acts completely different with people he is closer with.

Plus he has a really cute laugh, especially his smile.

"We're back!" George announced, clearly pleased that his plan worked, "I see you too are getting along" he smirked proudly. Sapnap rolled his eyes playfully before starting to walk with the group, "oh shut up" he smiled.
I walked beside him at the front of the group and we talked more.

I didn't notice Dream and George high-five behind us.

-time skip brought to you by my anxious bouncy leg-

As we walked around, the people I talked to changed, switching between the people in the group.
Sometimes we split up into two groups when it came to shops some weren't too keen on.
I mostly just browsed, I didn't have much money, and I didn't really want to buy anything.

During the time I lived with my father, I still got paid for chores and such, and since I had been saving up for a better binder, I had around £30.

Right now, I was wondering around a charity shop with George and Wilbur, just browsing, I didn't really want to buy anything, but a lot of the ornaments and trinkets always amused me, some being beautifully random, and others being gorgeously beautiful.

I could hear the other two laughing at a few of the odd clothes they owned, I saw Wilbur with a couple of comfy looking sweaters and George holding up a funny looking shirt.

I turned my attention over to the clothes aswell, walking over, one of them caught my eye.
It was beautiful, something you don't often see on a charity shop, it was really pretty. It was a floral dress, made with actually decent fabrics, not just that plastic looking stuff, the pattern was quite discrete and had a very aesthetically pleasing colour palette, as of them matching.
It was nice to look at.

I forced myself to look away as a sudden thought appeared from nowhere without any warning, 'stop looking at dresses thats girly' which was instantly followed by other dysphoria inducing thoughts, 'you're just faking it' being one of them.
They made no sense. I knew I was a boy, these thoughts weren't going to change that, nor did I really care what they said...

So why did they bother me so much?

"Oh that reminds me" I heard George start, snapping me from my thoughts, "Karl, I added you to the group chats earlier."

"Chats? As in 'plural'?" I teased.
"Shut up, it's only like 3."
"4 if you include the other one" Wilbur smirked.
"What?" George asked, "what other one??"
"Nothing~" he sang, walking to the counter.
George followed close behind, "what? Which one? What chat Wilbur? WILBUR?"

I pulled out my phone and checked my messages, I saw that I had, in fact, been added to four group chats.
One only had me, Bad, Wilbur and Sapnap in it.
It was called the 'the Gream conspiracy chat' I clicked the description, it read 'George and Dream are defo in love and I'm going to prove it -Wilbur'

I laughed at this before putting my phone back in my pocket and walking out of the shop.
'What an odd group' I thought again. A thought that seemed to become almost subconscious routine at this point.

(Wrote the past 6-7 chapters that I wrote today as an escape because yeah, and so they may not be as good so I apologise again)

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