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Purely writing this for comfort and a distraction.
Before I get back to the story, I wanted to make a chapter (possibly 2) about Tommy coming out to Phil, Wilbur and Techno since it's been mentioned often already but vaguely.

3 years ago:

Tommys pov:

"Alright kiddo, welcome home." The man smiled. By his enthusiastic tone, I could imagine him gesturing inside the house but his hands were full, carrying the very little luggage I possessed. I nervously followed, fiddling with the spiny ring currently on my thumb, I felt bad that the man was carrying my things, it was only two bags worth, light enough to carry both in one hand might I add, but no matter how much I told him I could handle it, he insisted in taking them. And took them from the back of the car before I could even protest.

The house looked nice, nicer than all the other homes I had been to before at least. It was reasonably large for a three person house, well, make that four now.
It was clear from the outside that the house was well kept, neat, yet not tidy enough to appear that the occupants were obsessed with keeping it perfectly spotless.
You know, the average house.

I awkwardly followed the guy through into the house, he said his name was Phil. I had met him a few times already, the orphanage insisted that we had some kind of interactions before I was adopted, just so they were certain, really, less for my sake.
He seemed nice, he was a rather jolly man? He always seemed rather tired, but he smiled regardless, he just seemed like a really positive guy. His fashion sense was rather odd though, always seemed to wear the same bucket hat, had some kind of long gown type thing, as well as... sandals???
I'm not sure. But honestly? Love it. It shows confidence and creativity I guess.

I made sure to close the door behind me, "just put your shoes over there and I'll show you to your room." He announced, tilting his head towards the shelves of shoes and OH MY GOD were the shoes poggers. Like, really poggers.
I had met Phils twin sons before, also adopted, and I knew before now that their fashion senses were pretty swag, but their shoes? Mad. It was a positive sign to say the least, that maybe I would get along with them.
I resisted the urge to comment on them out loud, wanting to yell is a "bad habit" and "very unladylike" as the lady homes I had stayed in had said. I didn't want them to regret taking me in already. Not just that, but I felt it may be rude to talk too much, not sure why, just did.

I placed my boring old, rundown trainers next to a pair of black combat boots on the shelf, 'so cool' I thought, resisting the urge to scream a compliment to whomever the owner was.

I quickly made my way over to Phil, he was waiting with my things, he had a soft, welcoming smile on his face as he stood at the bottom of the stairs. I tried my best not to dilly-dally but I couldn't help but stare in awe at the house.
He didn't seem to mind though, I got the sort of vibe that he literally had all day and was prepared to wait all day for me to look around.
The home was still alien to me after all.

"Shall we?" He asked.
I nodded and he lead me up the stairs and across the landing, past the other doors with familiar names on them, to my room.
An unfortunately familiar name stuck to that one aswell.
I was grateful of course, going through this much trouble to make me feel included and such, as expected from a new home. Most of the time.

He passed me one of my bags, and used his free hand to open the door. The room was the nicest I have ever had the privilege to step foot into and call my own.
It was a decent sized room, not big enough to say there was lots of room, but not small enough for me to feel cramped. The window was the best part, it was huge, almost my whole wall, it had a door and a balcony too. Never in my life did I ever think I would get a room like this.
I wouldn't say the view was beautiful, but it was somewhat comforting.

And an advantage? Completely blank.
A desk, chair, bed, drawers, shelves; but nothing on them, no sheets or decorations, not even a light shade for the bulb hanging from the ceiling, nothing that indicated a feminine presence to the room. You know, typical feminine features in a room. He seemed like the type to maybe prepare a whole room for me before I got here.
"Sorry, I didn't decorate or anything, I wanted you to do that yourself, it's your room after all." He apologised.
"It's amazing, thank you." I responded politely. 'Manners' I repeated in my head. I smiled, continuing to look around the room.

He grinned proudly at this, "brilliant. Leave your stuff in here," he started, carefully placing my belongings that he was holding on my bed, "and follow me for the tour."
I copied him, placing my bag down, and I followed him out of the room.

"This of course is your room." He stated, pointing at my room, "that behind me is the guest room" (soon to be Karl's ;)) "and those are Techno's and Wilbur's rooms, but of course the names are on them..." he realised, "anyway, that's the bathroom, this is my room." He started walking back down the stairs, "this is the kitchen, this is the living room, that over there is the downstairs bathroom, and that's all the important stuff I guess. I'll let you explore properly on your own." He smiled, clearly enjoying giving the introduction.

He looked over at me, he must have realised how overwhelmed I was feeling right now because his expression softened, "I'm sorry, I'm getting a bit exited. You've met my two boys, it'll be nice having a girl around." He started, 'not a brilliant pep talk' I winced, "I forget how difficult the process of settling in can be, but I'm hoping it helps you that Wilbur and Techno are here. I am going to try and make this the most comfortable process for you, alright?" I nod, "fantastic. Speaking of, Wilbur and Techno will be home any second now, so you can do whatever you want till then. Explore, sit in your room, talk with me, take a dump, I don't really care. If you need anything, don't be afraid to ask." He finished.

Feeling oddly constricted by an almost empty house, I just followed Phil quietly to the kitchen. As he started to make food, which I assumed was dinner, I sat down at the table and just stared at my ring as it span, making a small and satisfying swish noise.

"So Teagan," I wince at the name, but I'm used to it, so no reaction is visible, "any allergies? I forgot to ask."
"No." I reply.
"Good, I hope you like Mac and cheese, because believe me, I make an epic Mac n cheese." He brags, it makes me smile a little. 'Well, I do like Mac and cheese'.
"Yeah, Mac n cheese sounds great." I respond.

Not long after that, the sound of the front door opening catches my attention. "I told you!" A voice rang though out the house, directed at whoever they were with, "shrimp are not fish!" They stated, slowly growing louder, "They are closely related to millipedes!" He protested. I identified the voice as Wilbur's. Not because I had met him once or twice, but because his brothers voice was much more distinguishable.
"Yeah that's because they are Arthropods." The monotone voice agreed. Technoblade.
"Yeah! Exactly! And that's why..." as he entered the room he stopped, staring into the distance lost in thought. He turned back to Techno, "wait, what was the point I was trying to make again?"
"I don't know. Something about Train restrooms." He answered, completely ignoring the question and trying to shrug it off as he looked at me, "the more important news is that Teagan is here." He stated, pointing at me.

Wilburs face immediately lit up and he looked at me, I didn't know what to do except awkwardly wave at them and try to smile.
"Teagannn!" He sang, almost skipping over to me as he discarded his bag, carelessly throwing it to the side of the room.
The brunette sat down at the table, opposite me, a huge grin still plastered on his face. I like Wilbur. I like his energy, he seemed really cool even if I've only spoken to him twice.
"I didn't know you were coming today, how are you finding it so far? You seen your room yet? Oh that's a cool ring. Oh! Is Phil making Mac n cheese? Phil makes a poggers Mac n cheese."
I had no idea how to respond to that.
"Wilbur, please don't overwhelm her." Phil sighed.
"My bad."

They all asked about each other's day after that, and I just listened. Observing them, I realised that Wilbur was the chatty one, Techno was the quiet one, and Phil was a pretty neutral but fun guy.
Technoblade caught my attention, he had the first time I met this family, he had long pink hair which I absolutely adored and dressed in a kind of dark academia greek mythology obsessed type of way, he seemed like the type to not really care for gender roles and if anything, break them.
Wilbur dressed similarly from what I've seen, but more on the comfy, sweaters and long coats side of dark academia.
Very different from Phils style might I say.

They all sat down and we ate.
I didn't say much, I wanted to. I wanted to jump in and add something, contribute to their conversation. But I just didn't know how yet.
I answered when I was spoken to and that was how it was for a while.

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