Stage 2

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Hello all, hath returned.


(2 days later)

Third person:

As previously stated. All storms have three stages.

Stage one was the developing stage, the creation of the storm.

And then there's the second stage, the maturing stage. The storm grows stronger, the updraft feeds the storm and it continues on its conflicted path of possible destruction.

Bad called the occupants of the house downstairs, the distinct sound of clinking plates and forks answered all questions the other two may have had about the motive of such a calling.

Karl didn't tell anyone about his previous encounter with his father, he didn't want to make them worry, he liked how things were currently going.
At least that's what he told himself.
He just didn't want to become a burden like he had feared. His father seemed to always appear at the worst times.
He was worried it would soon affect the others, and maybe his dad would be the reason they stopped hanging out with him.

He didn't want to screw up this friendship he was building. Bad, Dream, Sapnap, George, Wilbur, they had all been there for him. George and Bad were both there to help him during a rather upsetting time in his life.

Bad even offered a room in his home.

They had done so much for him, yet he felt he ,in no way possible, could fully repay them. And that all he had brought along with his presence, was his own burdens.
Burdens he will never share anyone, he doesn't want anyone to suffer just because he is.

He truly believed he could deal with this himself.

He ran down stairs behind Dream and entered the kitchen where they were met with Bad along with food laid out on the table.
Bad had noticed that Karl was acting a bit off recently, less his cheery self, and more... he couldn't quite describe it.
He seemed cautious, like one slip up and boom, the world ends.

Well, maybe thats a bit exaggerated.

But nonetheless, Karl was acting rather odd.
Attentive yet somehow always drifting off.
Alert and yet somehow also lost in his own thoughts.
He was wary of all of his and others actions, he was keeping to himself more, talking less, eating less, smiling less.

A thought had crossed Bad's mind a few times, one he hadn't yet dwelled upon, but had noticed made more and more sense every time he recalled said thought.

It was like Karl was waiting for something to happen.
Something he knew was coming.
Something bad.

"Oh! That reminds me!" Bad suddenly stated, the other two watched as Bad left the room and returned with a bundled up ball of multicoloured fabrics.
He had a huge, pleased grin on his face as he stood in front of them both, facing Karl.
It was extremely obvious that Bad was proud of what he had made.

Grabbinh two small bunches of fabrics located at the shoulder, the hoodie unraveled. He held it up high enough to not touch the ground.

Karl stared in awe at the creation presented to him.

Both sleeves were two different colours, the hood was pink and the fabric on the torso section was purple with a blue swirl neatly stitched in the centre of the chest.

It was a recreation of his minecraft skin in hoodie form.

Not only that but the hoodie was 5 times the size of him.
An exaggeration of course.
But the hoodie was still huge, regardless.
He was tall, but that hoodie was one of the largest he had ever seen.

"Bad... did... did you make this??" He gawked, getting up from his seat and admiring the stitch work.

Bad nodded, very exited, "yes, I may not take the fashion course, but I'm still pretty good at it if I do say so myself."

Karl was speechless, it was perfect. All of it.

"Wow, Bad you really didn't have to do this..."

"I did." He protested, a slight ounce of sternness now laced into his voice, "I've noticed you have been wearing your binder over the recommended time limit. I made this so you can have breaks, it's your new dysphoria hoodie." He explained, "you and I both know it's not healthy to wear it any longer than twelve hours, the absolute max. It isn't even that healthy to wear it longer than eight, maybe nine." He continued, Dream nodding along with him, "so I'm hoping it's big enough that you will feel comfortable enough to wear it when you take breaks." He beamed.

Karl felt like crying. He had never received such a meaningful gift like this.
He had never thought about getting a dysphoria hoodie, but he knew now that Bad had made him one, he would wear it constantly.

He knew he wouldn't cry, he tried his best to hold it back as he continued to scan the materials.
"Thank you so much" he thanked, a small crack sneaking into his speech.

"Awe it's alright, Karl" Bad sang, "now sit down and eat some food." He stated enthusiastically before sitting back down.

Before Karl could sit, he was alerted to a presence at the door as a rather authoritative knock echoed throughout the house.
Bad was about to get up when Karl interrupted, "I'll get it" he informed, walking out the kitchen quickly.

He wanted to do as many little things like this as possible, trying to be helpful, so it felt like he was somewhat trying to pay his friends back a little.

He opened the door to a sight that made his heart immediately drop, he could feel it in his stomach. It made him sick with anxiety.

Two police-type looking figures stood at the door, both with a serious look on their faces.
"Hello, is a girl named Kira here?" One asked, an off putting sound of their walkie-talkies beeping and static along with random voices discreetly occurred in the background of her words. The policeman behind talked, clicking a button as he spoke, Karl assumed he was answering whatever it was they were saying.

'Kira' he cringed. He had been hearing less and less of that name.
Does he lie? It was clear they thought he was a cis man.
But isn't that against the law? Obstruction of justice or whatever? He might just get in more trouble.

'What are they even here for??' He questioned.

"Um... y-yes. Why do you ask?" He stuttered anxiously.

It was clear why they were there, there was no denying it. He just wasn't prepared to hear it.

"We've come to take her home."

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