A fortunately unfortunate action

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-mentions of blood
(If I missed any please tell me, Ty)

I'm not even going to go into detail over how hard it was for Sapnap to discretely slip into the house through the window.
It takes a damn fucking lot of skill.
All I'm saying, is that the window wasn't as big as he had originally estimated.
There wasn't a lot of wriggle room.

But he was in. And it only took him a few minutes. Luckily there was nothing like a sink or table below the window, though the boy would've preferred a comfortable cushion to... well, cushion his fall I suppose.

He stumbled into his feet and quickly stood still, listening to the almost silence of the house. Karl's parents were still talking in what sounded like the room next to the one he climbed into.

Thank god he climbed through the right window.

He slowly rolled each foot from heel to mid arch, to mid met of his feet, swiftly guiding his shaky legs across the living room looking room.

He peered round the door way and spotted the stairs, thankfully it was in the opposite direction of the room Karl's parents were in.

He snuck over, same technique as before, carefully and quietly as possible.
He hoped maybe the parents rather loud discussion or debate would somehow drown out some of the sound he was making.
The stairs were just next to him, lucky.

He repeatedly cussed silently every step he took up the stairs, swearing that if it creaked he would actually slap someone.

First step. Silence, the first is usually the most sturdy, hopefully the carpet helps.

Second step. He was so careful he wasn't even entirely sure if he had even placed his foot yet.

Third step. He could feel the board beneath the pale cream carpet jolt by a minuscule amount.

Fourth step. Small pops under the weight of his foot on the stair made a noise that was almost silent, but apparently loud enough for Sapnap to hear.

Fifth. Safe. Sixth. Safe. Seventh. Safe. He was adapting to the level of noise in the kitchen as well as  the weight of him and the amount it took to move the stairs. He was starting to get a lot quicker now.

He was so focused on the stairs he hadn't listened to Karl's parents chatter till a name caught his attention.

"-Kira because she uses the internet too much."

He didn't hear the beginning of the sentence, and so without context he had no clue who that was but he felt like he had heard the name somewhere before.
Probably someone in school.

"She's been upstairs in her room since she got home." The man's voice continued.

Sapnap focused on the stairs again, realising that he had subconsciously stopped on the last step he took so he could pay attention to the conversation.
He didn't have time for this.
'Maybe Karl has a sister I didn't know about? I mean, he never really talked about his family anyway.' He thought, 'that means there's probably another room too, if she's been in her room all day then she's still in there now. Hope I get the right one.'

He quickly took the last few steps, none of them making a noise and skipping two of them, stretching his leg out.

There weren't many doors upstairs, giving an easier task.
He looked at the doors, only one had a twist-type lock 'oh thank god'.

He carefully turned the small lock, and then the handle, he carefully pushed the door open, actually opening it this time.
He poked his head in to see Karl covering his mouth, sat at the wall on the opposite side of the room, trying to control his shaky breaths as tears streamed down his face.
He immediately stood up, recognising it was me and ran straight towards me. He opened the door all the way and quickly wrapped the boy with his arms.

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