Back to school

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-next day-

Today Karl was going back to school, and honestly, no matter how bored and out of place he felt at Phil's house, he wasn't ready to be back yet.
He could feel everyone's eyes on him, even if they weren't looking, just the slightest ordinary glance from a fellow student would send his anxiety off the rails.

Wilbur had warned him that a couple of students had seen Karl being taken from Bad's house by police, and then some others spotted him in the hospital somehow. And of course, this being a school, word had spread.
Nobody had asked him anything, honestly, it was a private thing and most people understood that, others just didn't care to be frank.

And speaking of Wilbur, Karl was currently following him around like a lost puppy. He had been clinging to Wilbur for the past few days, ever since he moved in, he was the only person he knew and moving into a new house was scary, so he spent most of his time with him when he was home. At dinner, at breakfast, in the living room; he would sit next to him, feeling comforted by his presence.
Wilbur had noticed Karl's distress and insisted on taking Karl to his lesson to which Karl gratefully agreed.

As Karl walked through the crowded corridors behind the brunette ahead of him, no matter how anxious he was, he felt somewhat refreshed by his familiar surroundings.
It was college, the place he saw as safe and free, where he really began to be himself for the first time in his life.
And it was normal.
A lot less chaotic than his past few weeks.

As they sadly reached the double doors to the art room, which felt all too soon, Wilbur said his goodbyes before leaving for his own lesson.
The moment Wilbur turned around to leave, Karl felt the crushing reality once again, he was now completely aware that he had nobody with him in this lesson. Nobody to talk to, or just be with. He just felt like he needed the company.
He was about to be completely surrounded by strangers who might ask questions and probably silently judge him from where they sat.

But it was just something he had to do.

And so as Wilbur turned the corner, Karl took that as his cue to force himself to open the doors and take the first step to returning to normality.
And to him, normal included continuing to stay under the radar and enjoying the good ol paintbrush and canvas duo of creative which brought him so much comfort, distracting him from reality.

He was one of the first people there, the task was written in the folder Sapnap had brought him (the boy that hadn't messaged him since he left after the kiss might I add). Just creating a piece that had a meaning personal to you, something that reflected you or something you felt.
'A creative piece?' He smiled, making his way over to the canvas's and easels, setting them up before collecting paintbrushes and cloth along with a selection of paints. He tied one of the aprons round his waist before starting to sketch out his art work.

It couldn't get any more normal than this.

Completely emerging himself into the painting, he stayed in that room for so long he accidentally skipped second period without knowing. He was completely distracted.
And it wasn't long before he started painting, focused yet in awe at every colour that he blended with the next.
He didn't want to rush it.

"-arl? KARL!"

A voice broke through his idyllic and sadly fake reality, causing him to jolt and immediately pause, looking round the canvas to see the possessor of the voice.
And there he was, stood at just outside the classroom with a big smile on his face, waving rapidly in Karl's direction as he poked his head and arm round one of the double doors. George. The boy he hadn't seen in days, maybe even a week, and behind him was his familiar masked comrade Dream, the boy who always seemed to be close by wherever George went.
He also waved at Karl.

Karl placed his paints down on the counter before walking over to the door, glancing at the distracted teacher every now and then.
He snuck out the door and closed it behind him.

"Hey guys."
"Hey guys??? Is that all you have to say to us???" George replied, whisper yelling.
Karl furrowed his brows, "... is this a trick question or-"
"I have hardly spoken to you in almost a week! Every time we messaged and I asked 'anything happen?' You always replied with no." He whisper yelled, "how did you fail to mention that you and my best friend literally KISSED??!!"

Karl's eyes widen at this, 'did Sapnap tell him that??'
"" he looked over at Dream, "why are we whispering?" He asks, partially trying to change the subject but mostly just genuinely intrigued.
Dream shrugged, "not a clue. But also, welcome back, Buddy. How's school so far?" He asked.
Karl gave him a reassuring smile, "it's actually been pretty good, a little scary at first but I've just been doing art all day."
"Oh that sounds fun! Can I see what you're working on?"
"Maybe when im done."

"WHY IS NOBODY TALKING ABOUT THIS????" George interrupted, mostly talking to himself.

Dream looked at him then back at Karl, "oh yeah, by the way, I told George about the kiss and he refused to move on without answers."

"Oh, okay." Karl replies, "well, George, it was just a kiss. I kissed him, he left, probably hates me, didn't contact me after that." He shrugged, trying his best to say it as casually as possible.

"Wait, what? Why do you think he hates you??" Dream asked, completely puzzled.
"Honestly," Karl started, "I haven't got the slightest idea, not even a fraction of a clue, I just do."

Dream nods with a small hum, "well I can assure you he doesn't, he's just nervous. He needs to talk to you himself but I know for a fact that he wanted to message you. He even came to me and Bad for like, advice or something after." He snickered at the last part.

George looked hurt, "so I was literally the last person to find out about this???" He screeched, only partially and basically up and failing to whisper.

"Actually, Wilbur doesn't know." Karl corrected.

George seemed satisfied with that answer, "I see..."

There was silence for a moment, "Sapnap is looking for you by the way, he wants to talk to you, so prepare yourself for... that." He informed, the word 'that' was heavily implied by his tone to mean something possibly hella cringe and cheesy, just something he himself doesn't want to have to witness or have any part in.

"I see, thanks." I thanked, "... so is that the reason you guys came here?" I tease, knowing they really just came by to say hi and probably check on me.

"Nah, George wouldn't shut up about seeing if you were handling school alright."
"Only because you completely skipped photography!" George added.

Karl looked at the time in disbelief, "oops, sorry man, completely forgot about that..."

"It's fine, don't worry." George smiled, he gave Karl a quick hug before leading Dream away, "have fun, Karl! Come by the music room when you're not busy, we miss you!" He called.

Karl waved before once again entering the art room, 'maybe I will stop by a little later...' he contemplated.
Of course he would.
It's like he just couldn't stay away.

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