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Recap Cus I haven't updated in a while sorry:
Sapnap accidentally broke Dreams mask, Dream panics and ends up relapsing, George ties to fix his mask in an act of cheering up Dream, Karl is feeling uncomfortable with the rumours about him cheating circling the school but doesn't tell anyone.

-mentions of self harm

-Two days later-

Sapnaps pov:

Saturday. It's a weekend and I haven't heard from anyone all day.
Not that I am expecting anyone to talk to me, but usually I get more messages than this on a weekend.

'Especially from Karl.' I think; I wasn't expecting a message from Dream after what I'd done, he didn't come into school for the next two days and everyone was talking about it.
I ruined everything.
And of course, since Dream isn't messaging, I'm assuming George won't, or he's busy comforting him.
I'm glad he has George at least.

I sigh and close the book I was reading, far too lost in thought to even try comprehending the English language.

'Karl's been acting off lately' I remember, 'he's been quiet and kind of distant.'
Suddenly that memory of us kissing entered my mind, but more so it was the look of his face when he pulled the corner of his shirt down.
I assumed it was just dysphoria but...

He seemed so scared.

I don't like imagining it. It hurts too much to think about.

I pick up the phone and click on a contact. I listen patiently as the phone rings, buzzing a repetitive tune before a short click;

"Heyo" a chipper voice answers. 'That makes one of us'.

"Hi Wilbur, what are you doing right now?" I ask.

"Nothin interesting. Why? Want to hang out?" He asks, I can imagine his face, like a puppy hearing the word "walk".

"Yeah, if you're up for it," I respond, walking downstairs to get ready to leave, "is uh..." I hesitate to ask, "is Karl there?" I ask.

"Uhhhhmmm" the brunette hums, I heard a few footsteps and clicking and what sounded like a door before he quickly responded, "no. Pretty sure he's with George right now?" He informed, "why? Is he not answering?"

"Nono I was just curious," I murmured, "I'll talk to him later. Meet me at the river?"

"Sure thing!" He replied, a beeping cut him off slightly, indicating that the call had ended.

I pulled my shoes on and opened the door to leave.


Karl's pov:

"Im sure he didn't mean it." I state, keeping most of my attention on the screen as I tapped away at the keyboard.

"I know... I just need someone to be mad at and right now it's Sapnap." The dirty-blonde retorted, "I just need to sulk for a while, I'll be fine." He informed. His voice through the headphones said differently; I had come to Bad's house and Dream didn't feel like showing his face to anyone but George and so I'm in the room next to them.

"Yeah yeah I get it..." I told him, "make sure you talk to him at some point, I'm sure he feels really bad about it."

"You speak as if you haven't talked to him since then" he joked.
But the line went silent.

"Well... maybe not a lot?" I respond, ashamed.

I hear the door open and close as rushed footsteps make it to the room I'm in, "you what??" George shouts, appearing in the doorway. Dream chuckles on discord.
"Why not?!"

"Uhm..." I search for an explanation, "it's kind of complicated..."
"Please, vent if you wish. Do explain." He said.

*insert situation*

"And then his hand went under my shirt and I just... I panicked and I made things difficult, I pushed him away, metaphorically; it's been kind of awkward between us since then." I finished.

"How come you panicked?" Dream asked, we had migrated to his room, George and I. They had crafted a make-shift-temporary paper plate mask with a smile on it drawn in scribbled ball-point pen.

"It's uh... again, kind of complicated." I choked, "I don't know, it's stupid but I can't seem to find a way to say it without sounding... i don't know."

"Well, whatever it is I'm sure we can help, maybe, unless we can't. We will listen though." George stammered.

"Um well..." I started, I took a long breath and stood up, "it's an old thing, I promise, I'll explain more in a second but I just don't want you to freak out." I explained, "it's not something I'm that ashamed of anymore and I'm quite comfortable with it but..." I pause, "just don't want him to see."

They stare at me, something I hate but I understand why, I can see why my quick explanation could seem somewhat... worrying.
I reach down and I grab the bottom of my shirt sides, my arms overlapping in an X shape before lifting them and pulling the shirt up with them.
I took it off quickly, pulling the shirt off over my head, I hold the fabrics in my hand at my side as I let them inspect me with their eyes.

George's jaw pretty much dropped to the floor, Dream... well dream has a mask on so I couldn't even try to read him. I looked down at my arms and gave them a quick inspection.

"Before you ask, I'm 8 months clean." I informed.

There was more silent, I felt bad for putting them in an awkward position. Right now, two of my best friends where looking at a secret I had kept from everyone in my life up until now.
Some thin and white, some wide and pink.
All healed, some faded.
A lot.
Littering my arms and my waist, my thighs weren't visible but weren't as bad anyway.

"I..." George muttered, he couldn't tear his gaze from them, "Karl, didn't we meet 8 months ago?"

I pursed my lips, biting the inside, "yeah."
"But I'm okay now!" I smile, trying to lighten the mood, "I don't want this to be something that pulls me down all the time, I've moved past it and haven't felt the urge to do anything ever since I met you guys and left my parents, really, I think I'm finally free from that depressing routine." I reassure, "I want to be honest about it and not hide them forever, they tell a story about all that I've overcome these past few years. Sorry it was so sudden." I apologised.

George nodded, "thank you for trusting us," he thanked, I swear I could spot a glossiness to his eyes, "I'm glad that you're okay now, I think it's really cool that you feel comfortable enough to show us, and I understand why you wouldn't want Sapnap to know." He began, "but what exactly is stopping you?"

"Nothing, that's the thing." I whine, "I would show him, I should've, but it didn't feel like the right mood to spring something like that onto him. Besides, I was thinking about it, and I'm pretty sure I'm just used to hiding them so much that I forgot they've healed up." I added.

"So why not tell him, like, now?" He asked, "I mean, why be here when you could be telling him?"

"I mean I could... but I don't want to risk anything."


"I'm not sure..." I murmer, I start laughing, "oh my god I'm an idiot."
"Nono, not an idiot, merely a common fool" the brunette replies, "I think regardless of what happens, it's better for it to be known sooner rather than later. And that you should be the one to tell him instead of it being revealed accidentally."

"So wise." I tease, I notice that Dream has been quiet, "you alright Dream?"
"Yeah. Yeah I'm fine. I'm proud of you, man." He answered quickly yet truthfully.

It was clear there was something else on his mind, but I wouldn't press further for it.

"I think I should go. See you guys soon." I state before leaving the room, I run down the stairs and say bye to Bad before exiting the house.

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