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Thank you so much for all of your suggestions so far on the last chapter :)) they actually helped me out SO MUCH! They were all really good!
You really got my determination to write back up.

Reading all of the comments, they were all ideas that were either similar, or very easy to link together with a bit of tweaking here and there.
Very exited to write it.

ALSO just a quick note, some people asked about Dream's scar/backstory with his scar? Sorry it wasn't clear, but the scar was vaguely explained in the chapter labelled "past", basically his homophobic father attacked him impulsively after Dream had come out to him as bisexual. After that, he lived with Sapnap for a while before meeting Bad and Bad's parents offered him a place to stay (with them).
I'm not sure if I mentioned this, but Dream got his mask from Bad, Bad and Sapnap came up with the idea as Dream was very self conscious about his face after the incident.
Any questions?
Good, let's continue then.

(Quick recap of last chapter because I haven't updated in a while: Karl has a realistic nightmare where he is tricked by his own brain into believing that: coming out, Sapnap, all his friends, and escaping from his home and moving into Phil's house was all just a dream/ never happened. When he woke up, he called Sapnap to check but it still didn't quite feel real. Sapnap comes over and stays with him for the rest of the night. In the morning, Wilbur sees them and tells them its school time, but Nick refuses to go and goes back to sleep).

Third person pov:

Both boys happily stayed in the warm and comfortable bed for another couple of hours till Karl got bored. Of course, he wouldn't mind staying in bed with his boyfriend and admiring his gorgeous features, but after a while, just lying in bed gets very boring very quickly. The brunette was fully awake and was starting to feel a bit hungry anyway, so he concluded that this was the best time to get up.

Whilst Nick continued to sleep, Karl carefully folded the corner of the blanket off of him and sat up before swinging his legs over the side of the bed. He stood up, that irritating feeling of his own chest moving from the force of himself standing immediately sucked him into a reality where he was painfully aware that he isn't a cis man.

Deciding to ignore that negativity, he grabbed his clothes and wandered out of the room to the bathroom. Crossing the hall, he immediately realized just how quiet it was. He had been home alone before, more than once in fact, but it always felt uneasy being in the house alone. His footsteps seemed to echo louder each step, like his senses had gone into hyperdrive from the sudden anxiety of the unsettling silence. It was only for a second though, he had to remind himself that he was, indeed, not alone in the house.

After quickly getting changed, he crept back into his bedroom and placed his pjs in a messy clump on his desk chair before unplugging his phone and taking it with him downstairs to the kitchen. Walking to the cupboard for a glass, he sees notifications on his phone from George. After filling the glass with fresh cold water mm mmmm, he opened the message.

George: you not in?

George: are you with Sapnap? he isn't answering either.

George: nvm, Wilbur told me ;)

The brunette laughed a little at his phone, lucky not to breathe in and choke on his water as he did so. The texts didn't feel as if they required a reply, so instead he placed his phone down on the counter and opened Spotify, clicking on a random playlist to cancel out the loud silence of the home.

The music played in the background as he wandered over to the fridge to find some breakfast ingredients, not really paying attention to the lyrics but subconsciously appreciating the comfort that the tune granted him; his mind was preoccupied by what to eat. He decided to make (idk use your imagination. Or don't, whatever makes you comfortable) and so he got the ingredients i guess idk and made it?? anyway, the song.

Hey there little honey, won't you groove?

I've been trying all night to dance with you.

Hey there little honey, won't you stay?

I said "I would rather die than feel this pain."

You said "I know I feel very much the same, but I'm afraid that I don't know, knowing's not my thing."

Whilst preparing the meal, he kind of just vibed with the music, without even realising, he was discretely bouncing and bopping his head with a very quiet, almost inaudible, hum.

But I would still like to dance with you,

Awkwardly in a haze, to this little tune.

Turning around with his bowl/plate of whatever (maybe even just air), he was so startled he almost dropped it. Sat at the table, head in his folded arms, was Sapnap.

"Jesus, you scared me." He sighed.
"Mmm no, not Jesus. Sapnap." He joked, his croaking voice a vital indicator that he was infact still half asleep.
Karl pulled out a chair and sat next to him.
"Why didn't you just stay in bed if your just going to sleep on the table?" Karl asked, though he was secretly happy that he was no longer alone.
He turned his head to look at him "You left." was his simple answer.
"Awe," Karl cooed, "sleepy Nick is adorable." He teased, playfully patting the top of the sleeve boy's head.
Said boy only whined in response as he tucked his head back in his arms.

They both sat there silently for a while, the music was the only sound they could here for a while; that along with Karl's crunching ig.

Without warning, Nick sat up and stretched, getting up off the chair and he himself going to the kitchen and grabbing something. He had stayed there so often that (as stated before) this was like a second house to him anyway, he knew where everything lived and he wasn't afraid to raid every food source he could get his hands on.

"I think we should go out and do something today." He states, returning to the table empty handed, basically inhaling whatever sustenance he had previously scavenged.

Karl looks over at him, intrigued by his proposition, "oh? Where should we go?"

The other hummed in thought, wrapping his arms around Karl's neck and resting his chin on his head, he shrugged, "not sure yet. Where do you want to go?"

"You initiated this idea, don't give me the burden of choosing." He declined, "you chose. Please."
Karl was worried that if he chose a place he would be the only one enjoying their time together, or Nick would be wishing he had gotten the opportunity to choose where to go.

And the boy knew full well of this fact. Even thigh Karl didn't want to choose, Nick was still determined to think of a place they would both enjoy going to.
"You want to go shopping?" He asked.

It was a week day, so most kids would be at school, most parents would be at work. The few people you see out and about either don't work on that day, have a day off, are skipping school, or they work there.
Not many people.
Plus, they lived within walking distance to a shopping district, a small area compact with shops, pedestrianised to look nice and aesthetically pleasing to attract more customers.

Plus, Phil had actually been giving him pocket money, he didn't know what to buy so he just didn't use it. It's all just been piling up for a while in his card.

Karl hummed, he was obviously taking these facts into account.

He smiled and looked up at the boy above him, "sounds fun."
Nick smiled back, proud of himself for making the right decision, "great, it's a date then," (smooth) he gave him a peck on the lips, "I'm going to go and steel some of Wilburs clothes." He stated before leaving the room, making Karl chuckle a little remembering how Sapnap had arrived in the first clothes he could get his hands on last night.
Wilbur wouldn't mind anyway.

'A date, huh?' Karl pondered, finishing his breakfast, 'I've never been on a date before...'

'What could possibly go wrong?'

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