Him again.

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He turned to meet the tired eyes of the boy next to him, he had sat next to this boy every photography lesson, but never really noticed him as he was quiet. Much like Karl, he seemed to keep to himself. And he always slept through lessons.

He had dark brown eyes and short brown hair, he looked like the most normal person he's met so far in this school, accept for the strange goggles that perched on his head.
He wore a blue, comfy looking sweater with the words "404" written on the front in a red and white rectangle, an odd item of clothing which Karl had never seen before.

"You want to share my camera? It's schools, but I took the last one." He asked.
Karl was a little surprised by his kind gesture, but agreed, "yes please, you're a life saver" he sighed gratefully.

"Karl, where is your camera?" The teacher spat, clearly not a fan.
"We are sharing today, sir, there's none left." The boy spoke up.
The teacher seemed satisfied with this excuse and continued explaining whatever it was he was originally explaining.
"Thanks." Karl thanked, he wasn't even sure why, but he answered for him and was sharing his camera so I guess that's enough for a thank you.

"No problem" he gave him a small smile, "I'm George by the way."

"I'm Karl" he responded.

"I know" he smirked, "the teacher literally just called your name" he laughed slightly.

'God I need to stop doing that.' He mentally face palmed. "Right, sorry" he chuckled nervously.

"No apologies needed" he insisted.

"- so take your cameras and go take a picture using as many core skills as you can. They are listed here if you need to write them down." The teacher finished.

It was made obvious that everyone was leaving as the sounds of chairs scraping across the floor and chatter filled the once quiet room.
"Come on, let's go" George ordered, getting up from his seat.
Karl did as he said and followed along.

It was silent for a bit, they both exchanged a few ideas and passed the camera back and forth as they walked around the building but didn't really have a proper conversation.

"Are we even supposed to be in here?" Karl asked.
George just shrugged, "well, sir said just don't go into any restricted areas so I think we're good"
Karl hummed, "um. What other subjects do you take?" He asked, trying to strike up a conversation.
"This and computer sciences"
"Huh? Only two?" Karl asked, "I thought you had to do three?"
"Well, I also took biology, but I just don't go." He stated, directly.
"Fair enough"
"What about you?" He asked, slightly distracted by the objects around the room, thinking of things they could photograph.
"Me? Oh. Um. Art and design, so this, art, and fashion."
George hummed, "you seemed like a creative person." He stated.

"Me? Really?" Karl laughed.
"Yeah, I think it's the nails and outfit. You just give me that vibe." He informed, smiling also, "they're really pretty by the way, the nails I mean." He complimented, "your art too actually, I've seen your name on some of the pieces hung up in there."

"Thank you." Karl nervously thanked, unsure how to accept the compliment.
"I would say the same about you but I've never seen your photographs, plus you always sleep in class" he teased.
"Hey!" George gasped, "I do not sleep in class." He protested, "I prefer the term cat nap, or closing my eyes for an extended period of time."

"So basically the definition of sleeping?" He responded playfully.
"Oh shut up" he joked.

Eventually they walked downstairs and passed a room Karl had never actually looked in before but was drawn to it after hearing laughter and some kinds of sounds that sounded like instruments. He was intrigued.

He peered through the square window in the door to see a small group of boys all looking very relaxed and happy, there was only 3 of them two whom he recognised immediately. The guy with the mask was stood, back facing the door, holding a microphone which was attached to the stand yet clearly not plugged in, he wasn't singing, all the boys just seemed to be chatting, you could see a strap across his back and the top of what he assumed was an electric guitar.
The other he also recognised, the guy the masked one was talking to earlier with the black hair and bandana, he was sat behind a cool looking drum set, fidgeting with the wooden sticks.
The other boy, he didn't recognise, he had brown curly hair and was one of the tallest there, he had a yellow sweater on and a pair of round glasses on his nose, like the masked guy, he wore a guitar that hung across his body, though this one was acoustic, he also stood by a microphone.

'Are they in a band?' He determined, 'that's actually really cool...' he watched them dumbfounded, it was only for a few seconds but the sudden movement outside caught one of the members attention.

The drummer, he was at the angle where he could spot Karl's movement out of the corner of his eye. He looked over at him, Karl had only roughly noticed how he looked earlier, but he hadn't rlly looked at his face.
His eyes were enough to... intimidate him? He wasn't sure why he felt so nervous? Almost scared? Just when he glanced at him. He quickly hid away from the view of the window.

George witness the whole interaction, smirking at Karl's unknowing pink cheeks.
George laughed at the boys obliviousness, "come on" he grabbed his hand and dragged him through the door abruptly.
"George! We can't just-"

"GOGGY!" One of the boys cheered, looking very happy to see the brunette.
"Hey, Wilbur." George waved at the brunette in the yellow sweater.
Karl just stood there awkwardly, not letting go of George's hand, he wanted it to be clear that George dragged him in.

"And who's this poor boy you've kidnapped?"

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