Calm before the storm

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Completely off topic and not at all interesting, but heatwaves started playing whilst I was at the barbers.

Third period:

-time skip-

"About time you guys got back" George complained.
"We were only gone for like... 30 minutes?" Sapnap retorted.
During this time, Karl and George had just been sitting in his room and just distracting themselves for a while, talking about anything, art, music, the photography homework. Anything.

Wilbur walked into the living room and flopped onto the makeshift bed on the floor he had previously used, almost instantly falling asleep.
As this occurred, the other four decided to just talk, though they all mentally noted not to talk about the earlier events, seeing that Karl still seemed somewhat shaken by them.

The brunette hated that he felt this way. He wasn't even sure what had made him so distraught over just seeing his father. He wasn't spotted. He wasn't forced back home. He was safe at Bad's.

So why did he feel so nervous?

Not only that, but how come he was too anxious to do anything himself? It made him feel so powerless as George had to take control of the situation, doing something that basic common sense could accomplish. Just simply turning a corner seemed like such a tricky task at the time.

He remembered it all rather vividly, feeling guilty for having to put so much responsibility and anxiety on George because he seemed to be incapable of helping himself.

But during these thoughts, he would occasionally snap back into reality for a few seconds, either at the sound of his name of somebodies laugh. Just a few seconds. Those moments were enough to remind him that he wasn't at his fathers house. He wasn't at "home". He wasn't with him.

So why did he still feel so nervous?

-time skip I think idk I'm defo not the author 🧍-

"No! You can't do that!" George screamed into his mic, smashing keys repeatedly as he tried to escape the wrath of Karl.
Karl laughed uncontrollably as he chased him through Minecraft in the form of Bad's skin, he didn't take his computer set up to Bad's, nor did he want to risk going back just yet. But Bad was kind enough to let him use his computer for the time being.

"You killed my dog!" Karl protested, swinging his stone sword around, hoping he might hit him.
"Your dog attacked ME!" George replied, trying his best to run faster than the brunette behind.
"And who's fault is that??" Karl asked, in a tone that suggested both knew the answer.
The call was silent for a moment till George sheepishly replied, "me." Though his voice was laced with zero regret.

"Oh my god George just-"
"Are you guys seriously calling right now?" Bad questioned, leaning his shoulder against the door with an eyebrow raised.
"I can literally hear you BOTH from downstairs, you don't need to be on a call when you are literally in the rooms next to each other." He sighed.

"Or you can just stop shouting" the voice belonging to Dream added from the same room George was in.
George was using Dreams laptop to play, he still hadn't left the house even though Sapnap and Wilbur had said their goodbyes hours ago.
He just wasn't ready to leave yet.

Bad left the entrance of his own room that Karl was currently occupying, and made his way next door to Dreams.
"This is my house. I can kick him out if you like" Bad teased, referring to George.
Dream smirked, "hmm, idk, I don't think it's enough. I think we should exile him."

George was still listening even though he was concentrated on running from Karl.
"First of all." He started, "Bad, this isn't your house, you don't legally own it. Though you do have the ability to kick me out still, both physically and literally, because you are the current occupier." He informed, "still not your house though." He finished.
"And second" he continued, "fuck you, Dream."

"Language!" Bad gasped.

Dream smiled feeling almost accomplished after witnessing those reactions, nobody ever saw his smiles due to his mask but that was fine.
It kept his secrets hidden.
Both physically and literally.

He chuckled softly before turning his attention back to his phone.
And everyone swiftly and comfortably went back to doing what they were doing before.

That's how it was for the next few days, even after George lad left later that day, Karl had almost completely forgotten about seeing his dad somehow. It's like the nervousness and overall anxiety of the situation had worn off, but he still knew in the back of his mind that if he had seen him once, chances are he would encounter him again.

But unlike before, this wasn't a constant thought.
Everything was calm for a while.

Karl was starting to feel a lot more comfortable in Bad's house, getting to know George's friends better too every school day. He had also been talking to Sapnap a lot more now too, it felt like he was somewhat drawn to him somehow, he just always had the urge to text or hope he would text.
But one of them always did somehow.
They both wanted to.

Not to mention school was a lot more enjoyable, nobody talked about the whole fainting incident anymore, the news passed rather quickly and it was now completely forgotten about.
Miss Sally also checked up on him from time to time, she was  aware of his living situation currently, and tried her best to support him as much as possible.

I'm conclusion, everything was great. Maybe better than great. There wasn't a single point during the next week that Karl felt totally lost in the world, it's like everything was just starting to make sense.
He was stealth, passing so well even without T that everyone knew he was a boy.
He was living with Bad, surrounded by friends and living without having to worry about the deadnaming from his father.

He could concentrate. Really concentrate. His mind wouldn't wonder as he tried to read and study, he wouldn't start projects and end up just getting distracted by his overwhelming thoughts.
He felt relaxed.

Maybe a little too relaxed.

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