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Karl couldn't believe the voice he was hearing, he reached for the door handle, just to have a peak, maybe hear the voice clearer.
But as he pulled the handle, he was hit with the rather rude reality of his locked door, forgetting why he hadn't left his room already.

He pressed his ear up against the door.

"No, we don't know anyone named Karl." His father answered, it stung, words can hurt. The man tried not to be rude to the unknown boy, still glaring at him to show he had interrupted.
"You sure?" The boy asked,  unfolding a piece of paper, the address scribbled on the front, "I could've sworn this was the right house. Maybe the address it wrong..." He shrugged, knowing full well that he got the right house.

"No. Karl doesn't live here." He restated, his annoyed tone revealing itself.
Sapnap was confused as to why Karl's father would lie about his own son living there, maybe he really did have the wrong house?
He gave a quick glance behind him to see a women around the same age, she smiled kindly and waved at him as if silently agreeing with the man.

Nobody had mentioned a mother, neither Bad or Karl had said anything about the mother. Maybe this is the wrong house?
'I'll check with Bad and come back, just incase.' He thought, he didn't want to be disturbing the home by mistake.

"I understand, sorry, have a nice day." He quickly apologised before walking away from the front door.
A slam behind him almost made him jump, 'rude'.
As he walked away from the house he pulled his phone out to call Bad but stopped dead in his tracks to the sound of hushed yelling.

"Hey! Sapnap!" The quiet yells came from behind him, the boy turned around, all he could see was two cars, a couple of bins, the hedge, the front door. No sign of a person?

"Nick!" The title used to summon him changed, but changed his attention to the right direction nonetheless.
He looked up to see a head poking out the window followed by a torso and two arms holding him steady as he leaned out slightly, one suddenly shot up to wave at him incase his attention wasn't fully grasped.
The skin under his eyes were red and puffy, his eyes shon in the light.

It was Karl.

"Karl!" He whisper yelled back, a smile creeping into his face knowing that the boy appeared to be safe, "can you get outside??" He asked, pointing at him then the driveway below incase he couldn't hear.

"Doors locked" he answered, miming a key locking.

Sapnap frowned, thinking of ways he could get him out. He looked around at the same old front of the house-... wait. What about the back?
"Is there anyway I can get in?" He asked.

Karl thought for a moment, recapping the layout of the house he hadn't been in for weeks. He shrugged. There was a chance he could find a way in, and opening the door wouldn't be hard, it was a twist lock not a keyhole. But then again we would have to get past his parents first, and without a phone they had no chance of communicating once he left the driveway.
But still, he nodded.
"Back door to the garden, always unlocked." He responded. He could only hope this would work.

Sapnap nodded, a furrowed brow of determination on his face as he nodded before running towards the back of the house.
The walked around the fenced garden, searching for a gate, but there was none. He couldn't climb it, the wood was delicate and rather thin.
He looked around. He was on an empty path between everyone's gardens, and unfortunately, nobody seemed to have left out anything like a stepladder (which would've been rather convenient).

"Fuck" he cussed, continuing to search.
He didn't noticed the sound of a car parking close by, his subconscious assuming it was just another sound, possibly a neighbour, they were quite noisy.
He found a couple of loose bricks just left around, he tried stacking them but he could only find three.

It started to feel impossible.

Maybe there's a window?

"Sapnap?? Hey!" He heard, he looked over to see Wilbur running over to him, "I didn't know if you had gotten Karl and left already." He stated.

"Wilbur, thank god." He sighed, "I need help getting into the garden, apparently the back door is open. Karl is locked in his room and this may be the only way in."

"Oh, Rapunzel moment" he joked "Did you try the front door?" He asked.

Sapnap glared at him, "yes Wilbur. Of course I tried the front door."

"I see..." his gaze drifted down towards my pathetic stack of bricks, "haha, dude" he laughed, "that's so sad." He giggled.

Sapnap rolled his eyes, "just fucking help me."

"Alright alright, you could've said please." He crouched slightly, gripping his hands together in a bowl shape and steadied himself. The other teen placed a foot in his hands and jumped high enough to grip the top of the fence, taking some weight off of Wilbur.
The brunette grabbed both of his feet and grunted as he lifted them enough for him to swing a foot over the top.
With a huff, Wilbur released him knowing he was balanced.

Sapnap immediately jumped down onto the other side with a discrete thud and a small yelp.

"What now?" Wilbur asked.
"Did you drive here?"
"Keep the car running. I'll bring Karl out the front. Maybe drive round the block a few times so you don't look to suspicious."
"Alright, good luck."

And with that, Wilbur ran back to Phils car whom had generously (unknowingly) lended it to him (stolen it).

Sapnap quickly glanced around the garden, carefully jogging towards the front door, light on his toes, the grass deafening his footsteps.

When he reached the back door, he listened for a moment, making sure nobody was about to go outside or something. He would be totally screwed.
He carefully started turning the handle.
Careful not to make too many clicking sounds.
When it could turn all the way, he pushed it forwa-

It's locked.

He turned his head to look for any other way he could get inside.
His gaze stopped, fixing on something large in the wall further across.
He carefully released the handle and started to make his way towards it.

"Guess I'm going through the window." He sighed.

Stealth. (FtM Karl)Where stories live. Discover now