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Azriella De'Bardi POV

We are just in the street races and we are waiting for my turn to compete.

"Let all racers stand in line to start" the judge said.

I soon said goodbye to Anastasia and Cade, they wished me good luck I didn't need and I went to my place. As I stood a young boy maybe a little older than me by the path caught my eye,

he was watching me.

My attention was still on him,

but he looked away when a boy with a motorbike came up to him, they said goodbye and the one with the motorbike stood right next to me.

He looked at me and just nodded his head in greeting.

I reciprocated.

Fifteen minutes passed and the race hadn't started yet because it was raining and the terrain was unstable,

but my thinking was interrupted by the guy next to me.

"Axel" he said,

I looked at him questioningly

"what?" i said.

"My name is Axel what's your name" i just nodded,

"The race starts in five minutes!"

said the judge.

The countdown began and Axel kept looking at me and waiting for a response,

I turned my head towards him and said


and suddenly the race began.

There were five of us on the track although there were few of us, it was crowded.

From the rearview mirror I saw that some had fallen.

Probably from the field as it was still unstable.

I was leading at the moment and I was first but not for long Axel came and he was next to me,

we looked at each other and I smiled slyly even though he couldn't see it and stepped on the gas and drove through the finish line.

I'm first.

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