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Azriella De'Bardi POV

He looked at my hand for a while and explored my face but then he nodded and stood up as he extended his hand to shake hands.

I did the same thing and here it is,

an agreement has been made.

I got up and i was the first to leave the restaurant with Anastasia and Cade,

but I felt his gaze on me. I am proud of myself.

See you D'Angelo in exactly a week.


Exactly a week has passed and today D'Angelo should come to choose the killer and deliver the weapons.

I prepared all my best killers and just waited for him to come, I hope he arrives on time.

He should prove himself responsible.

Just as I looked at my watch it was Reign who entered the room.

He was wearing a black suit that perfectly accentuated his muscles,

in one word, he looked perfect.

"Mr. D'Angelo, thank God you are a man of your word and that you arrived just in time"
I said as I continued to scan him.

He laughed as he retaliated by scanning me "Miss De'Bardi did you doubt in me"

he said rolling his eyes,

I laughed and sarcastically said

"of course not".

When I could still feel his gaze on me I coughed and said

"let's get to the point of why you're here"
he nodded,

"So I hope the truck has already started delivering weapons while you pick the killer"
I said rolling my eyes.

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