76-i love him

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Azriella De'Bardi POV

I was lying in the hospital room while everyone went home because I told them they didn't have to worry...

Reign stayed but went to get us something to eat from our favorite restaurant ... I love him.

I'm glad to be with him.
I thank myself for agreeing that day to work with him and be his killer, because if I didn't agree I wouldn't be here where I am with him.

Closing my eyes I suddenly heard a noise in the hallway...

I took a quick step down the hall and saw the nurse trying something with Reign, while apparently he was arguing with her to get out of the way.

Too bad I don't have my knife with me because I would cut her throat now without thinking.

I walked slowly behind her back and patted her shoulder.

She turned and looked at me confused and then looked at me from up to down and made a disgusting face..

"What do you need? Can't you see I'm busy !? You could have bothered a nurse other than me" she said as she began to turn back to Reign.

I just laughed sarcastically and grabbed her wrist and turned her back to me,

"where are you going... Jane" I said as I read her nameplate.

She looked at me scared and then tried to cover it up.

"What? Do you want to beat me... look what you look like" she said with a disgusted look.

"Trust me Jane, when I get out of this hospital you won't stay alive... and that's because you bother my boyfriend" I said with a sarcastic smile.

She just stepped aside and Reign and I just went back to my room.

"Someone is jealous" he said as he kissed my lips on the flash..

"Believe me, I could have been worse. The whore thinks she can hang out with you in her dreams" I said angrily to which he just laughed as he handed me the spaghetti...

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