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Azriella De'Bardi POV

It's been a couple of weeks since Reign and I had a situation.

I ate downstairs with everyone but when he wasn't there, he was in the club with the whores. He came drunk with someone else every day, but he was always there when there were missions.

We are just sitting in the office waiting for him to come as always with a headache because he was partying at the club the night before.

Matteo, Axel i Sin they don't know what's going on with him and they say he's never been like that. He did drink but not so much and especially did not sleep every day with another whore.

I stamped my foot from the floor nervously thinking about when Reign would enter the office, and just then Matteo kept my foot.

He and I have become very close in the last couple of weeks and he has become my best friend, like Axel and Sin. Of course they can't replace my 'real' friends Cade and Anastasia who are waiting for me to be back soon.

When I put my hand on Matteo's hand and looked into his eyes with a smile then Reign entered the office with a headache.

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