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Azriella De'Bardi POV

We all sat down.

Somehow they put me to sit next to Reign so I took the opportunity before It started to tell him I wanted to be with him.

"Reign" I said quietly that no one could hear...

He shifted his gaze to me and looked at me questioningly

"I have something important to tell you" I said looking around to see if anyone had turned their attention to us.

"What's so important Azriella, that it can't wait for this to end?" He asked quietly as I said not to gain anyone's attention.

"I wanted to tell you that I thought about what you said a few nights ago and-"
my speech was interrupted by a man coming out on stage.

"You tell me later, okay?" he said and I sighed and just nodded...

"Good evening everyone, I hope you are all in a good mood tonight because tonight is the best night so far" he said and everyone started clapping...

"This evening will be the annual announcement of the ranking of all mafias. The first mafia will come out to present itself and its mafia in case you don't know them" he said and everyone started clapping again..

I am relaxed because I know that my mafia will not win we are always second...

This evening will be long..

There are 90+ mafias..

*After fifteen minutes*

"99 place mafia 'Deadly Sin' I'd like them to come out to introduce themselves"

*After half an hour*

"64 place mafia 'Moon Poison' I'd like you to come out"

*After an hour*

"28th Place Mafia 'Deadly Snake' Come Out"

*After twenty minutes*

"12th Place Mafia 'Nightmare' Come Out"


"Second place mafia 'Dark Shadow' come out to take the prize" I froze...

Mafia of Reign is second.

Does that mean we are the first...

Not possible.

I looked for Anastasia and Cade, but as I looked for them I thought I saw a man who looked very much like my dad, strange.

I looked at Anastasia and she looked at me shocked, and I was as shocked as she was.

And then I felt the vibration of my phone.

I looked down at it


"You're going out to represent our mafia. Good luck".

I need luck...

"And the first place long awaited this evening..Mafia 'Scars' and led by Azriella De'Bardi" he said and I froze but I soon headed to the stage as everyone stared at me uncomfortably...

I climbed up and all the lights blinded me

He handed me a prize

"Congratulations" he said and I just nodded.

I turned to everyone and stood in front of the microphone... Should I say something now?

Of course I should...

"Well..good evening everyone, I hope you have a nice evening since you all made it to this ball. Congratulations to everyone.
Mostly I don't know what to say since I didn't expect my mafia to be the first this evening, but thank you".

I made a small sigh as my gaze crossed everyone in the room..

How scary everyone looks..

"I would like to thank all the people from my mafia who are there for the mafia, and all the people who have ever had cooperation with us. Thank you and I wish you a pleasant evening"

applause was heard and then a shot was fired.

Everyone froze just like me,
nothing was clear to me..

Why is everyone looking at me?

I dropped the prize that shattered and I held on to my stomach looking down at it and I could see... Blood.

Before I fell I could see... Dad.
Everyone from my mafia and Reign's started chasing him and Reign, Anastasia and Leilah ran up to me catching me from falling.

So this is what my end looks like, right?
I didn't expect it like this, but good..

I looked at all three again..
who knows maybe for the last time in my life?

At least I made my mafia proud.

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