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Azriella De'Bardi POV

I just nodded as I wiped my mouth with a paper.

"Excuse me but I'd like to use the toilet" I said as I got up from the table as they nodded.

"One of the maids will show you where the toilet is" Giana said and I just nodded and started following the maid.

As soon as we climbed the stairs we found ourselves in a beautiful gray and white hallway where there were various paintings on the walls.

Mostly there were pictures of Reign and Leilah and there were also family ones. This family was not neglected it could be noticed.

"Continue straight and the first room is the toilet, if you need any help feel free to call me or anyone"
said the maid and I nodded and kept walking.

When I had done what I had I stood in front of the mirror and looked at myself and it immediately occurred to me why Reign hadn't told me about the ball before.

Maybe he doesn't want to call me?

Maybe he invited someone else?

Or maybe he doesn't want anyone to see him there with me?

My thinking was interrupted by a knock on the door.
I soon turned off the water and headed for the door and behind it was Reign.

With a heavy sigh I looked down and looked up at him.

"Azriella, I'm really sorry I didn't ask you about the ball earlier and I know you were probably uncomfortable, but I thought you didn't want to go and it was never the right time" Reign said as he pushed me into the bathroom.

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