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Azriella De'Bardi POV

Reign locked his eyes with mine as he moved toward me.

He took a key and unlocked my arms and legs which were locked as I sat in the chair.
When he did that I started rotating my hands in circular motions and massaging them,

how it all hurts me actually.

Reign took me and we all left my dad's villa while running, there was no one which is very strange but I'm glad I didn't have to watch him.

I was sitting in the passenger seat next to Reign, whose view was on the road...Everyone else was in the other cars while he and I were alone in his.

"When we get home I'll call a maid to help you with the scars and bruises because you won't be able to on your own" he said as he shifted his gaze to me.

My heart was pounding at that moment.

I nodded and just leaned my head against the window.

I'm already starting to seem to be getting used to this.
It won't be good if I continue like this.

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