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Azriella De'Bardi POV

The guards came to pick up the body and began to wipe the already bloody floor, I calmly looked at Reign and I could see that he was looking at me in amazement.

I nodded for him to follow me to my office as he did. He followed in my footsteps.

We sat in my office and I started talking.

"I hope you have decided, Mr. D'Angelo which killer to choose" I said looking him straight in the eye as I always do with everyone.

The only one I never dared to look in the eye was my father..but now not only will I look him straight in the eye, but I will kill him.

"I would like you to speak to me as a friend since I see that our age difference is probably very small" he said with a smile,

which I just nodded and showed him to continue.

"I chose the killer but not the ones you showed me" he said in a serious tone.

I looked at him questioningly "continue" I said.

"So all the killers you showed me are desperate and clumsy, but the only killer I liked was you" he said looking at me as if that was the most normal thing.

"Reign I don't think it was a deal.
The deal was for me to show my best killers and you to choose, and I'm not available"

I said getting up from the table and turning to the window.

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