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Azriella De'Bardi POV

"Hi Reign you're a little late" I said returning the gun and the knife under the dress, his gaze was still on the lifeless body he looked a little shocked.

"What happened here I heard your scream" he asked calmly...

I sighed and ran my hand through my hair
"I put a little gun down from him so he caught me but I killed him soon, I was planning to torture him but he annoyed me"I smiled...

He was already calmer and nodded as he put the gun back in his jacket.

He watched me all the time as I watched him as we stood in silence.

Reign D'Angelo POV

I watched her all this time while we stood in silence..

Her dark hair was full of sweat and blood from the already dead Russian guy, and her cheeks were covered in blood.

I approached her and our eyes did not separate and I ran my hand over her cheeks wiping the blood,
and she let out a heavy exhalation.

She began to approach me slowly, just as I approached her and our eyes have not yet separated...

Just as our lips were about to come closer Axel answered through the receiver..

"We collected all the money and successfully got out we are waiting for you in the car around the corner from the club" he said, the two of us moved away immediately and it was very uncomfortable.

"We're coming" I said as I looked at the already blushed Azriella..I just laughed and soon she was the first to leave the room so was I.

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