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Azriella De'Bardi POV

Without knocking I entered the office where Reign and Matteo were.

Matteo looked at me in shock and Reign angrily.

I looked at them questioningly and sat down on a chair without saying a word, waiting for someone to move on to the thing I came here for.

"Matteo, you're free" Reign told him m which he just nodded and left.

"So why did I come here, some barbie told me you were looking for me" I asked him as I swing in my chair.

"First of all, you won't enter my office without knocking. There are rules in my house that need to be followed. Whoever doesn't follow them will be killed" he said taking a short pause between words.

I just watched him uninterestedly

"okay get to the point".

"So I invited you to tell you today you have a day off since you just arrived and the first mission starts tomorrow"... "You will have breakfast, lunch and dinner with me and others who are almost like family and there is no missing that"

he said in a commanding tone.

I absorbed every word he said

"Okay if that's it I could go back to the room"
I said sitting normally in a chair without swinging.

He nodded and I just got up and headed to the door...when I was at the door his words stopped me.

"I saw you found my rose garden if you like it you can take it"
he said without paying attention to me, without saying a word I went out and headed to the room.

How he sees everything I do.

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