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Azriella De'Bardi POV

"What are you doing.
Why did you drag me in the bathroom,
I should already be going there so it's not suspicious."

I said as I wriggled out of his grip.

"Sorry" he said as he looked down.

I looked at him confused. What's happening to him? Reign D'Angelo to apologize... strange.

"Don't apologize even if I don't know what you're apologizing for.
Just answer my question honestly" when I said that he immediately raised his head.

"I promise I will. I will answer any question" he replied as he straightened up waiting for my question.

I cleared my throat

"Why should I go to that ball with you?" I asked him, just as he started to answer me Leilah knocked on the door.

"Ella? Are you in there?" she asked my eyes wide on Reign

"Yeah, yeah I'm in I'm just going out what's up?" I asked, trying to sound as normal as possible as Reign laughed.

I sent him a sharp look to stop it and he got serious

"I just wanted to make sure you're okay and maybe you know where Reign is?" I looked at Reign with wide eyes and he just shrugged smiling...

He really wants to drive me crazy.

I opened the door and went out making sure Leilah didn't look inside because she would see Reign.

"I don't know where Reign is. Maybe he's out there somewhere" I said pretending he wasn't in the bathroom with me just a minute ago.

"I hope he comes soon as it's his favorite dessert now" she said as she took my arm as we laughed...

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