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Azriella De'Bardi POV

He's taking me to his room that's obvious, and we're just passing by his office.

I looked at the guard and I could see that he didn't suspect anything...I hope.

"Matteo, how's it going" I said quietly so the Russian guy wouldn't hear "we are done soon but keep his attention" he said..

I nodded but remembered that logically he couldn't see me so I slapped my hand on my forehead.

The Russian guy looked at me strangely and I just smiled.

We entered the room and he was already starting to undress, ew how quickly he got horny... I stood in the corner of the room and pretended to be shy, but I would actually put this heel in his head...
I have to be patient for the plan.

"Come onbeauty, it's your turn"... he said with a perverse smile, disgusting...

"If you don't mind I'd like to use the toilet first, you know women's needs" I said with a small smile and he just nodded.

I soon went into the bathroom, locked the door and let the water run so I could talk to Matteo without the Russian guy hearing me.

"Matteo, can you hear me? How's it going?" I asked as I stared at the door to keep the Russian guy out.

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