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Azriella De'Bardi POV

I'm not so stupid that I don't know how to get rid of him, so I removed him with one stroke and pointed one knife at my dad and the other at that asshole.

But soon after I felt dizzy again, the annoying one took advantage of it and caught me again.

What kind of drugs are these that are so strong.

"My dear Ella you really thought I wasn't ready for everything" he said smiling wickedly.

I hate him.

"Don't call me Ella. I'm not Ella for you" I said boldly, but then this asshole brought the gun even closer to my head.

I mumbled and kept looking at my father.

This annoying guy tied me up and started leading me to the wall while I was fighting.

"Where is D'Angelo to save you now" he said with a smile and when I started to say something then Reign appeared with a gun pointed at them.

"Leave her alone". "Luca" said Reign in a cold tone as always. My eyes lit up at the moment

he came to save me?

But then I remembered that he would come to save me when it was all part of the job.

"Good try D'Angelo, but nothing of that" he said leading me slowly to the edge of the roof.

What is he doing? Will he push me?

Reign began to approach us as we moved away from him.

"Stop or I'll shoot her" said the annoying one on the other side.
Reign began to slow down,
keeping his eyes on me all the time.

I never blinked.

So Dad kept going to the edge of the roof.

When we came all the way to the edge, he looked at me with a evily smile and kissed me on the forehead.

I looked at him confused.

Why did he kiss me on the forehead?

"Ciao Ella"
he said as he pushed me into the air.

This is the end. This cannot be the end.

I wondered as I fell down the building.

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