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Azriella De'Bardi POV

I looked a little better and saw Reign sitting and looking at me, next to him were Axel, Matteo and Sin...

Did he bring them to watch me, but more important than anything is why he came.

I sighed and walked over to greet them as they were already looking at me.

"So look who we have here in my territory, what are you doing here" I said as I scanned them all and finally looked at Reign.

Everyone looked at me so they finally looked at Reign.

He looked me up and down so I took a moment to say,

"Take a picture to make it last longer"

I said as I looked at him with a small smile on my face,

he rolled his eyes at it when he realized I had found out he was looking at me.

"We came to see that I wasn't wrong in choosing you as the killer" he said looking me straight in the eye.

I laughed ironically and told him "You're saying this for the hundredth time, and I can say you don't regret choosing me as the killer, but if you regret it

we can end that contract immediately"

I looked him straight in the eye.

He looked at me with a smile and said

"oh you found out, you're right I don't regret it at all" I laughed.

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