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Reign D'Angelo POV

I spent the whole evening thinking about Azriella,
I couldn't fill out the papers or sleep in peace.

I know she's leaving in a couple of months but I'll do my best to keep her.

After that night when we slept together I can't stop thinking about her.

I know it's the same on her side,
but she also knows that she will go in a couple of months,
she will change her mind. The plan I had to take everything away from her is gone.

Now only she matters to me.

Azriella De'Bardi POV

Morning is the day I should go with Reign to his parents.

I wish Leilah hadn't talked about me but I can't change anything now except kill her when I see her.

I don't even know what to wear,
we only go to dinner with them but I still have to dress normally.

It's about six o'clock in the afternoon and I've been sleeping too long to miss breakfast and lunch,

and no one has woken me up.

Which is weird because they wake me up if I don't wake up.

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