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Azriella De'Bardi POV

Suddenly i felt cold hands on my hands
"Stop it Ella that's enough" Reign yelled at me holding my hands which were full of blood..

Luca's blood...

This is just the beginning next time he will be dead.

I looked at Reign who was looking me in the eye which calmed me down...

I looked at Dad who was lying on the floor with a wicked smile,

so I turned to Reign and hugged him.

"Get me out of here, I don't want to be here anymore" I whispered in Reign's ear.

He nodded and started to take me somewhere.
It didn't matter to me anymore that I won.

Only for Luca to die one day..

We rode in his car while it was raining on the car window...I love rain.

We didn't say anything in the car that he obviously understood that I needed a little silence.

Sometimes I like to be alone and in silence and sometimes I need someone but to spend that time in silence, that's right now.

We arrived in front of a hotel 'D'Angelo' obviously his hotel.

He opened the door for me to enter the hotel and we headed for the elevator.

He pressed the top floor button.

When the door opened there was a large apartment, obviously he comes here when he wants to think or be alone.

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