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??? POV

I was sitting in the office preparing my papers and looking at the list of meetings when Matteo came in.

"You asked me yesterday to find out all about Azriella De'Bardi, so here you have everything" he said as he handed me the paper.

I nodded in gratitude

"thank you Matteo as always" i said,

he just nodded "nothing bro always".

He came out and I turned my gaze to the paper where everything about that girl was.

I started reading.

So her dad is Luca De'Bardi as I thought she was a rival and her mom is unknown,

nothing is written about her here. Strange.

I moved on to read but it stopped knocking on the door.

I sighed put down the paper and looked towards the door "come in" I said.

My assistant showed up and told me that we should go to the meeting so that they wouldn't wait for us.

Azriella De'Bardi POV

I'm in the car with Anastasia and Cade as we drive to the restaurant where we need to meet up with the guy because of our mafias, and as always we're already late. That's wonderful.

We arrived at the restaurant parking lot and soon got out.

Anastasia and I fixed our dresses,

and Cade fixed his suit,

and then we headed for the restaurant entrance.

Soon the girl from the counter took us to a private room of the restaurant. There were two guys and a girl with their backs to us,

so I couldn't really see their faces.

We came in front of them and now I could see their faces.

The guy in the middle was the guy from the race who was watching me then.

Be serious Azriella you can't ruin everything.

"Good afternoon"

I said without a smile on my face.

Cade and Anastasia did the same only giving them small smiles out of kindness.

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