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Azriella De'Bardi POV

"This is the end of the tour.
If you need anything, my room is next to Reign's office, and if you need his help, just knock on his door".

He said all that with a slight smile and I just turned my head disinterestedly without saying a word.

I went for a walk through the garden where the black roses were, I adore them.

While my mom was alive in the old house until I ran away we both loved to plant black roses.

Black because they don't need care and they don't need as much attention as ordinary roses. That's why I fell in love with them because in one word I feel the same as them.

I squatted next to one and smelled it,
I missed it...

When I felt someone behind me, I turned around and kicked him to the floor.

When I took a closer look, I saw that it was a girl, I can say semi plastic...disgusting ew.

"What are you doing, look you tore my dress" she said yelling, I rolled my eyes

"why are you standing behind me" i said.

"the boss told me to tell you to come to his office, he'll tell you what to do."

I nodded and walked wordlessly to his office.

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