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Azriella De'Bardi POV

It's been a couple of weeks since I saw Reign, I went on missions every day and I did everything but I didn't see him.

Although I knew and felt that he was watching me from a distance.

I didn't come for breakfast, lunch or dinner because I wanted to see him as little as possible,
because if I continue like that, I'll fall in love and that's not good.

I'm just talking to Cade who tells me I have a fight today against a guy. I fight with both genders because I'm so taught.

"I'll send you all the information for today's fight, I can't wait to see you and I hope you're ready" he said and I just laughed

"you know me I'm going to win" I told him as I searched the wardrobe for today.

I hung up and got dressed but when I got out of the closet on the bed I saw Reign.

My heart stopped when I saw him.

"What do you want Reign" I said as I coughed a bit, the look from the phone shifted to me when he saw me.

"I hear you're going to fight" he said as he walked towards me,
I walked around him and started packing everything I needed for the fight.

"Yes, I'm going. Is there a problem?" I asked him,

"there's actually a problem we haven't agreed that you can leave the house while this contract lasts".

I stopped in place when I heard what he said.

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