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Azriella De'Bardi POV

"I know this was not an agreement but please consider this. The weapons will be here until you decide but if the answer is no I will return it." he said, and he knew exactly that I would say right away that I agreed.

My dad and he are rivals as far as I've heard, so this will be an opportunity for me to get involved in his plan and kill him myself.

He started to get up. And I had to believe in my plan.

I bit my lip so hard that I tasted blood or rather metal.

"Wait!" i said.

Reign D'Angelo POV

"Wait!" she said.

I smiled more to myself.

I knew I would be able to convince her, and so my plan would work.

Luca De'Bardi watch out.

"Okay, I agree to be your killer" ... "but only for a few months, so I have to go back to my mafia" she said.

I turned back to her and looked at her

"or maybe you change your mind you become my wife and unite our mafias",

she obviously laughed sarcastically at my comment.

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