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Azriella De'Bardi POV

..Feeling..Doesn't exist.

That's right, I don't feel anything I just hear voices and an ambulance siren... I didn't know what it felt like to be hit by a bullet but now I know.

I heard voices calling me but I couldn't answer them, I was paralyzed.

And besides, I only saw blackness ...

Which is to be expected, isn't it?

And only at one point I was no longer able to think, so I surrendered to the darkness...

Reign D'Angelo POV

We've been sitting in the waiting room for two hours while Ella is in the operating room...

I don't know what to think anymore.

I just want her to come out alive.

I should have let her say what she wanted..

I shifted my gaze to the end of the hall and saw Cade running towards us.

"We killed her dad. The most important thing now is that she survives"
he said breathlessly looking at the operating room door as he sat on a waiting chair...

"You shouldn't have killed him you should have let me torture him" I said aggressively and Leilah grabbed my shoulder.

I shifted my gaze to her and said sorry to her.

I leaned my head against the wall and stared at the operating room door waiting for the doctors to come out.

This smell in my nostrils was more than familiar. Hospital..

At that moment the doctors came out looking at the notebook.

"Good evening, I apologize to everyone for waiting. We managed to save her life because she was not hit in a risky place, one by one of you will be able to come in to see her you decide who it will be" said the doctor we all nodded.

Everyone was looking at each other at the same time, so they looked at me.

I looked at them questioningly.

"What?" I mumbled as I continued to look at them confused.

"You go first we know you mean a lot to each other" said Anastasia to which Leilah agreed,

I went inside without saying a word in shock.

I'm not used to seeing her in this state.

Connected to all hospital devices.
When I approached her it seemed to me that she was asleep, so I took a moment to kiss her on the cheek...

When I started to kiss her she turned her head so my lips ended up on hers.
I opened my eyes in shock and looked at her.

She just smiled weakly... She's tricky.

"What happened Reign, the cat ate your tongue?" she said playfully..

I smiled and rolled my eyes

"How are you Ella" I said sitting on a chair next to her bed..

"Never better, I could go home now" she said and I just laughed out loud ..

"I wanted to ask you since you haven't had a chance to tell me before what you wanted at the ball, you can say it now" I said and she straightened up and cleared her throat.

"I wanted to tell you that I've thought about it and that I want to be with you. I love you, Reign" she said with her eyes closed.

"Anch'io ti amo Ella" i said hugging her..
(i love you too).

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