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Azriella De'Bardi POV

"Thank you for coming. I hope Reign invites you again, but I'll see you at the ball soon" Giana said as she held my hands and hugged me.

"I can't wait to come again" I really missed the hug in which I feel mother's love...

"See you" Reign and I said as we walked into the car and out of the yard..

This evening was perfect.

We drove in silence, but curiosity would kill me, so I have to ask him what he wanted to answer the question from the toilet. When I asked him why he invited me to the ball...

"Ask" Reign said and I looked at him questioningly

"What?" I asked confused... "I know you want to ask me something, say it" he said.

I just sighed and looked at the road as I gathered the courage to ask him.

"What did you want to answer my question in the bathroom?" I said as I shifted my gaze from the road to him...
He shifted his gaze to me for a second so he returned back to the road ..

"Can you remind me what the question was" he replied...

I knew exactly what he was going to say.

"The question was why did you just invite me to the ball and you could have chosen better?" I repeated...

He took a long pause in silence ...
He said nothing.

"Because you are attractive to me, and I don't want to go to that ball only as colleagues, but as something more" he said squeezing the steering wheel...
I always notice those little things.

I don't know what to say to him, yes I wanted an answer but I didn't really expect that.

"Reign, I really don't know what to say. I like you and I've told you a lot from my life but I have to think" I turned my head to the window when he just nodded.

And then just silence.. silence again.

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