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Azriella De'Bardi POV

I woke up with a headache and in bed with Reign.

He was still lying next to me while I watched him sleep peacefully.

It will be embarrassing to watch him after last night's event and we still have to work together.

I have four months left and then I will never see him again so maybe it's better to enjoy this while I can.

I can't forget the plan to kill Dad.

"Good morning gorgeous" said Reign opening his eyes and looking at me.

I looked at him and without any reaction got out of bed and found things to wear.
I started looking for panties and I couldn't find them anywhere.

"Reign where my panties are" I said frustrated running my hand through my hair.

He looked at me with a smile
"I tore them apart" I just glared at him.

I went to his closet and took the necessary things there. I came out of the bathroom and saw Reign who was already ready.

"Since you're ready you can take me home" I said as I walked toward the elevator,
he just stood and looked at me and then just nodded and walked over to me.

We both kept quiet in the elevator just like in the car. And when we got home I went inside and he went somewhere.

Probably fucking with a whore.

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