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Azriella De'Bardi POV

We're just sitting in the kitchen and having dinner while we talk about everything.

I missed this family vibe.
There has been no family vibe in my family for years, but there is in this family.

Their mom is the same as my mom.
They are similar in character and have the same warm maternal hug.

"Reign I didn't ask you if you invited Azriella to the ball?"
his mother asked and I just looked at her confusedly then at him, lowering the fork onto the plate, resting my hands on the table.

Reign scratched his head looked at his mother then at me

"I didn't want to yet because I didn't know if she would go. She has her own mafia so I thought she didn't want to go with me to represent mine" Reign said all in one sigh.

His mom laughed ironically so she turned her head towards me putting her hands on the table

"Azriella you can see that my son is stupid in some situations, so I would like to ask you as a mother do you want to accompany him"
she said with a smile pausing to speak.

when she shifted her gaze to Reign she said

"so that he wouldn't bring in another low moral girl like every year. This ball is important for the mafia" she said.

"That's right, all the first mafias in their countries come to this ball and that's why it's important to us" his dad said as he wiped his mouth with paper.

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