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Azriella De'Bardi POV

I'm currently thinking about what to wear for that dinner while all my things are thrown out of the closet.

It looks like I'm going there in my pajamas because I can't find anything.

Just then someone knocked on the door.
I went to the door and saw Matteo standing there.

I smiled so he wouldn't see that I was nervous and didn't know what to wear.

"Hey Matteo, whats up", he returned the smile straining to see the mess behind me

"I came to tell you you're leaving soon Reign told me, but I see you haven't even started getting ready".

he said as he entered the room.

"Well I tried to find what I was going to wear but I don't know if I should look professional or normal"

I sighed putting my hands on my hips

"At least my makeup and hairstyle are great so I could go in my pajamas",

I said nervously.

He just laughed and walked to the closet looking at the things that were thrown around the room.

"I know his parents and they are the most wonderful people that can ever exist,
so they don't care how you dress."

he said holding on to some of the dresses I see for the first time.

"Here this black dress. It's neither too long nor too short just right for this dinner."

he said giving me to take it from him.

"Thank you Matteo if you weren't there I wouldn't know what else I could do"

I said as I hugged him.

"Just hurry and I'll tell Reign you went just to find your purse"

I nodded and said a quiet thank you to him.

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