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Azriella De'Bardi POV

"You're good but not as good as I am"
he said as he tried to attack me, but as slow as he was I managed to avoid all the hits.

I laughed again

"you are too confident Luca and slow" I said.

I attacked him something he managed to avoid but most did not.

"Now I see that your mother was saved when she died. She doesn't have to watch the child humiliate her, disappointment" he said viciously as he looked at me then I got hit by him.

"What did you say?!" I stood shocked,

did he mention my mother.

The woman who gave me my life.

He also mentioned how she was saved from dying...because I am a disappointment.

He will not go easy with this.

"You'll regret saying this" I said angrily, and just as he was about to say something,

I swung my fist and started hitting him.

I hit him and he ended up on the floor,

just then I remembered everything he said to me and I didn't hear anything from the side.

Your useless.
Your stupid.
Your ugly.
Your worthless.
Your powerless.
Your nothing without me.
No one will love you.
Your crazy.
Your fucked.

I kept punching and punching and punching
each time i thought about something my dad once told me..

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